Wayne Slowick

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He’s cheerful — indeed, he’s urbane
One never will hear him complain

Mountain stream jumping
Or heavy iron pumping —

He’ll never evince any strain

He uses both halves of his brain
He’s gifted, though not the least vain

Piano, guitar,
Design . . . there you are —

There’s nothing he cannot contain

The pre-press is now his terrain
Here amid fields of grain

But since he became
A Sidha, he’ll claim

The Self as his proper domain

Among all the men, he’s the main
We happily hand him the rein

Mr. Wayne Slowick,
You’re truly heroic

We realize: No Wayne, no gain

May desires be fulfilled without strain
May you reach all you wish to attain

His praises we sing
We crown the man king

And say to him, Long may you Wayne

So get out a ball and a chain
There’s something we wish to make plain

We cannot be stoic,
Mr. Wayne Slowick —

Wayne, may you always remain

October 11, 1992