Tim Ambrose

Tim Ambrose, a TM teacher with a PhD in Spanish, joined the MUM faculty in the Literature Department in the 1980s, where he taught Spanish literature courses and where we had a minor in Spanish for a number of years.

Since 1999 Tim has been an associate professor of Spanish at Indiana University Southeast, in New Albany, Indiana, on the southern border of the state, just across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky.

Tim Ambrose. . . . When he came here, he was young. He was dashing. He had dark hair. He had a mustache. He spoke Spanish. What else was one to conclude?


It’s time we should take him to task:
Tim, we’ve got something to ask

Come on, quit pretending
The masquerade’s ending —

Where is the black cape and mask?

I started suspecting that day
You put on the Spanish display —

The swaggering gait
Added some weight

But the mustache — that gave it away

The bad guys — what happened to them?
Your story — I’ll bet it’s a gem

Commandante? Garcia?
Any idea?

They’re probably doing TM

See that dark glint in his eyes?
His persona is really a prize

This PhD deal —
It’s probably real —

But it’s still just a clever disguise

A swordsman, the finest in Spain
A horseman so skilled on the rein

This mild-mannered “scholar” —
I’ll bet you a dollar

He’d love to get back there again

Too bad we’ve found out, in a way
But we certainly hope that he’ll stay

The mask and the cape —
The kids will go ape —

And Bernardo will be his RA

But at night, when you lay down your head
And you’re falling asleep in your bed

You’ll strap on your sword
In that role we’ve adored

And come charging from out of the shed

If he’s late, don’t ask where he’s been
Sneak up to his doorway, and then . . .

Sharpen your ear
And some nights you’ll hear

That sweet wht wht wht once again

(And the sword’s still more macho than the pen!)

Happy Birthday, Don Diego!