The Mansion the Wynnes Built

Place bio text here.


Here is the Mansion the Wynnes built

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Today we are launchin’
A great new expansion

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Maharishi’s invention
Profound, pure intention
New knowledge for health:
Balance, prevention —

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Here is Maharishi
Sthapatya Veda —
People who come here
Won’t want to leave here
People with tension
Will want an extension —

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Here is the restaurant
We also should mention:
The Apple Blossom Restaurant
Where almonds are blanchin’
Where people are munchin’
A sumptuous luncheon —

Here is the Mansion
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Beyond perfect health
There’s another dimension —
Create world peace,
Dissolve all dissension,
Erase all contention —

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Ten thousand Sidhas
All flying together
In Fairfield, floating —
See that suspension —

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Give to your friends
An encouraging mention
To come to the Mansion
Come to the Mansion
Breathe the sublime air
Purchase a time share
Draw on your pension
Bring a convention

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

All praise to the Wynnes
For their deep dedication
Their laser-beam focus
Their broad comprehension
Their remarkable power
Of enlightened attention —

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

Pure knowledge is rising
It’s on the ascension
Overtaking the world
It’s on the ascension
Maharishi’s pure knowledge is on the ascension —

Here is the Mansion,
The beautiful Mansion,
The glorious Mansion the Wynnes built

May 30, 1996