Scott Herriott

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


His forehand is fearsome, all right
But as good as his backhand? Not quite

He will run, he will reach,
He will stretch and beseech

And backhand that ball out of sight

His face may be pink, his lungs burning
But those tennis balls keep on returning

On court he’s consistent,
His power persistent,

As all his opponents are learning

He woke up one morning in Africa
And found that he had to teach algebra

Lacking a text
Where to turn next?

To his storehouse of knowledge mathematica

Ideas flowed — he started to jot . . .
Practical problems — a lot

His course was successful
Without being stressful —

And here is the story of Scott

That course — he got a good grade for it
But look at the future he’s made for it
Brooks/Cole took a look —

And now it’s a book —

We hope that he’s handsomely paid for it

In Kenya and Norway he’s taught
To India, pure knowledge he brought

Russia, Ukraine
And Chicago — it’s plain

That vision is global with Scott

Now Scott is our man on the spot
His range: From infinity to dot

Place faith and fealty
In this ruler of realty

Who shows us that some like it hot

With spreadsheets, this man’s an adept
Look what tall buildings he’s leapt,

What wonders he’s wrought,
Our Superman Scott

While most of the rest of us slept

Relentlessly diving for data
To ever deeper and more refined strata —

In questing for clarity
And dispelling disparity

He’s reached all the way to the Veda

Scott is a man on a mission
He puts the tact in tactician

A magnificent mind
And warm heart in kind

In the name of the Holy Tradition

The right stuff? That’s what he’s got
Our master key sits in the slot

Our very best shot
For the rainbow’s gold pot —

He’s superb, he’s a Sidha — he’s Scott

To his father, whom Scott got his name from
And some of his features and frame from —

To his father we say:
It’s apparent, today,

What excellent parents he came from

HLC – Scott has it aced
Government regs — they’ve been cased

Big picture in view
And details, too —

Our doyen of DE . . . site based

Whatever the hatchet, he’ll bury it
Whatever the thrust, he will parry it

He’s a warrior whose fight
Deploys silence and light

This is the leader, Scott Herriott

Charged with his duty, he’ll carry it
With Brahman in charge of his chariot

So competent, capable,
Unbreak- and unshakeable —

A Sidha supreme — Scott Herriott

He’s a man of both valor and vigor
Whom students revere for his rigor

Go bet your dollar
On Scott, the ace scholar

Great mind — and few hearts are bigger

He’s as good as America’s got —
World peace, ready or not

It’s well on the way
And this we can say:

In the vanguard, we find the Great Scott

Happy birthday, Scott!
October 18, 2003 and 2007

He married himself to a Dane
A beauty, and also a brain

His future grew brighter
With this scholar and writer —

A European Union, these twain

She’s quite a force, Eva Herriott
She has a torch, and she’ll carry it

She desired to build
Her desire was fulfilled —

They live in their own mini-Marriott

There’s now a new trail they are blazing —
A daughter, a teen, they are raising

Though not technically theirs
She almost draws stares

For the likeness is pretty amazing

Scott’s future? Too early to tell
Though we’re certain he’ll do very well

Perhaps there’s a clue
To the great things he’ll do

In the mysterious syllable Zell

If faced with such heavy analysis
We’d most of us drop in paralysis

Let’s next turn him loose
On such projects of use

As Pandit groups, also Peace Palaces