Sara Maillett

Sara graduated from MIU/MUM in 1987, having studied business administration and literature. “Fairfield is rich with entrepreneurs,” she says, and after graduating she worked for three different Fairfield businesses.

She married David Giusti and became the step mom to three wonderful kids, Lucia, Francesca, and Ennio. They moved to Vashon Island, near Seattle, and she worked remotely for her Fairfield employers. They added two more children.

Then she started her own business, G2 Media, which she found “both exhilarating and somewhat terrifying.” Ten years later, ready for something new and joined forces with a start up in Seattle that was using data for audience targeting.

At press time, Sara says, she is “at a rare inflection point where I figure out what I want to do next in this wonderful and precious life.” “Our 5 children are fully grown, happy and well, and the beauty of the pacific northwest still moves me.”


This lady’s as good as they get
Our Student Body Vice-Presidet

She’s smart and she’s sweet
And she’s somewhat petite —

Let’s praise our own Sara Maillett

A quantum mechanical miss —
That light in her face must be bliss

Incisive, decisive,
But never divisive —

How nice of her, being like this

She’s got warmth and a thousand-watt smile
And the speed for a four-second mile

She’s got locks, she’s got looks,
She’s got skill with the books

And she’s got something else — it’s called style

Sara’s a fun-loving creature
But she wears a distinguishing feature:

The highest ideal
Holds deepest appeal —

Become what she will, she’s a teacher

And when she becomes an attorney
Will duties require a journey?

If leave here she must
We hope and we trust

She doesn’t go much past Sigourney

Are there any conclusions to draw?
Just this: We regard her with awe

We’re sure she’ll enjoy her
Career as a lawyer

Uniting natural with national law

She means business, but means it with art
She contributes far more than her part

She contributes the Whole,
Mind, body, and soul,

All afloat on an ocean of heart.