Roland Wells

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All praise that great boy with initials “R.W.”

Such a sweet lad — he rarely will trouble you

He’s quick and he’s smart, with a brilliant intelligence

And he’s one of our happiest, bowl-full-of-jelly gents

He came at age two from the far Southern Hemisphere

He brought his whole family — we’re glad each of them is here

Geoffrey and Lesley and, of course, Eleanor

(He can ask her anything, but as yet there’s no tellin’ her)

Look — he has ladies above and below him now

Should refinement be needed, they surely will show him how

He’s quite well behaved, and needs little admonishing

And talk about talent — his talent’s astonishing

Look what he does when he plays on his violin

He captures his hearers when he works his sweet smile in

He plays the piano — his fingers do anything!

If seven years bring this much, how much will many bring?

He’s also adept with the skills of a carpenter

A champ with a chisel (we hope that he’s sharpened her)

And now on the skateboard — look at him balancing!

Here is a person who’s making his talent sing!

A cricketer, boomeranger, footballer, tetherballer

He’s immortal, invincible — truly a weather-aller

He’s out in the winter with feet without socks on them

His body’s so strong that his feet must have rocks on them

He took to the stage without even auditioning

And helped make Doug Henning look good at magicianing

He rose in the air in that big auditorium

All the more reason to praise and to glory him

Let’s honor that boy with initials “R.W.”

He makes us so happy — with bliss he’ll enbubble you

We conclude, when we see such great brilliances blended,

That heaven on earth has already descended

Happy Birthday to our great friend Roland!