Neil Paterson

Place bio text here.

Neil 1

He speaks — it’s Maharishi you hear
He thinks, and Maharishi is clear

He’s finely aligned
With Maharishi’s own mind —

No fortune’s more precious or dear

What knowledge this man understands
What organizing power he commands

And nature’s reward —
Its highest accord —

Is to work at Maharishi’s own hands

His heart is purer than pure
His mind is unbounded and sure

The Vedic ideal
Is embodied in Neil —

In him the whole world is secure

He’s the cream of the cream of the cream
And his target is still more supreme

The day of his birth
Brought heaven on earth

It’s a day the whole world will esteem

He mirrors the unified field
Through him our own source is revealed

The world is blessed —
We’re deeply impressed,

And we’re proud that the world’s been Neiled


Neil 2

From that very faint level of feeling —
So charming, so blissful, appealing —

This day is quite grand,
So please understand

If we say that today we are Neil-ing

You give the whole Movement direction
We follow you up to perfection

What joy is imparted
To see you regarded

By Maharishi with such pure affection

The weight of the past has been lightened
The future is steadily brightened

If the future is bright,
Much more so the light —

Dear Neil, you’re truly enlightened

He has many great qualities, viz. —
What an ideal student he is

Triguna once said,
Neil’s pulse having read,

That he felt Maharishi’s in his

Your reach is so deep, so enormous
Your speech can inspire and inform us

But knowing and seeing
Your essence, your being —

That has the power to warm us

You’ve mastered the leadership arts
From the world’s most faraway parts

Wherever you are
Can never be far —

You always are here in our hearts

Victory bells, may they peal
May you realize every ideal

May your glory be lauded
Your story applauded

Our dear Dr. Paterson . . . Neil