Michael Spivak

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


Michael will worry the cash flow
To prevent undue rapid or rash flow

At night he’ll awake
With a start and a shake —

And wonder, Where did the stash go?

It’s become an Olympian sport —
Preparing the Budget Report

If you’re faint hearted
Don’t even start it —

No chance to drop out or abort

Trustees can be fearsome financers —
They do not like dodgers and dancers

Their questions are tough
But they meet the right stuff —

Michael has all of the answers

Courage is not something he lacks
He’s strong when the pressure attacks

Rising debt service
Makes CFOs nervous —

Not Michael — we borrow the max

He meets with actual bankers
A task for which none of us hankers

But Michael’s right there
With great savoir faire —

Speeve, you have numerous thankers

Vedic columns adorned all his charts
He connects us to where it all starts

The numbers? In order
But there, on the border —

There’s where he touches our hearts

What’s between the two columns, you say?
The trend lines are heading which way?

The way that they should —
All to the good —

So folks, you can all run and play

No angles with Michael — no tangles
Nothing that riles or rankles

He’s friendliness, fineness,
Compassion, and kindness —

Except when he’s biting our ankles

Michael is famed as a Suit
A bassist — and singer to boot

He stands in his place
And rocks on his bass

Keep your day job — but, hey, you are cute

And now I’ll reveal a sweet truth
Michael has quite a strong sweet tooth

There isn’t a pie
He could ever deny
There isn’t a cake
He’s unable to take
There isn’t a sweet
He’s unable to eat —

And this is the whole and complete truth

Michael’s a regular guy
But there’s more than at first meets the eye

He’s Dean of the Dollar —
But also a scholar

As one comes to find by and bye

In philosophy, history, arts
Michael joins wholeness and parts

One comes to find
An erudite mind —

And it floats on the hugest of hearts

May endowments be productive, protected
May expenses be less than expected

May student tuitions
Exceed all ambitions —

Beyond what in dreams we’ve projected

And enjoy many days on the lake
With no fears that some world is at stake

When the wind is just right,
The sky blue and bright,

Leaving ripples of gold in your wake

He’s more than a mere money measurer
More than line-itemer, ledgerer

Michael’s our guide —
On him we all ride —

Michael’s the treasure in treasurer

Michael’s our resources stretcherer
Our finances finder and fetcherer

To him we’ve applied —
He will provide —

Michael’s the treasure in treasurer

Hard at work — he is hardly a leisurer
May his job give him joy — be a pleasurer

Give bubbling bliss —
And we say, for all this:

Michael’s the treasure in treasurer

Whenever we see Michael Speeve
We stand up and say I believe!

May our Man of the Numbers
Witness his slumbers —

And Michael: Don’t ever leave!

October 9, 2005 / 2015



He’s bringing us into the black
From where we will never look back

We’ll sit in his office
On piles of profits —

And praise our dear Michael Spivák

Such a joy to be on the right track
Not a dime slipping through any crack

Postponing the bedsheets —
He’s the Sultan of Spreadsheets

He’s marvelous, Michael Spivák

He’s a cinch to say yes to a snack
Cookies? Make it a stack

Ever sweet, ever sunny
This master of money —

Most refined we find Michael Spivák

Or perhaps a nice piece of that cake —
Whatever it is, he will take

We’ll find him agreeing
To nourish his Being —

Enjoy — that’s our Michael Spivake

Heaven is out on the lake
The rare hours he goes for a break

He’s Sailboard Speeve
Granted reprieve —

Ride Rathbun, oh Michael Spivake!

He’s passionate for the ecology
Offering none an apology

His yard stood before us,
A national forest —

We only say: Go Speviology!

One other indulgence he’ll seek
We sometimes are proffered a peek

With the Suits on his bass
He’s a sixties rock case

Our base-bumping Michael Spivique

He’s gone for the highest technique
Highest first — he always will seek

For Michael awaits
The highest of states —

Brahman for Michael Spivique

But for now he is on the attack
Taking the profitable tack

We offer our plaudits
For awesomest audits

He’s “Turnaround Michael” Spivák

It’s time for a changed zodiac
No invoice will take him aback

Students galore
Endowments and more

For our masterful Michael Spivák

Whenever we see Michael Speeve
We stand up and say I believe!

May our Man of the Numbers
Witness his slumbers

And Michael: Please, don’t ever leave!

October 9, 2000 / 2015