Michael and Susie Dillbeck

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Michael and Susie

It somehow seemed fitting

To see them both sitting

In that most precious of cars

And now they’re united,

All nature’s delighted —

They’re two of the brightest stars

Susie’s the dear one

The radiant clear one

Our mentor and graduate dean

But now, on this day

What can we say?

She sits here before us as Queen

Reigning supreme

With her visage agleam

The center of cosmic attention

Surrounded by family

And, of course, Emily

Assuming a whole new dimension

If Susie is Queen,

Then Michael is seen

Living the life of the King

A heart and a mind

So pure and refined

Deserving the boons that we fling

He studies relations

In whole populations

And notes how these trends have been thrilled

Moreover, my friends

He governs these trends:

Through Michael all nature’s fulfilled

Degree from Purdue

He joined MIU

Sailing the river of life

Could he have guessed

What awaited his quest:

His seeking would bring him a wife?

It all goes to show

You never quite know

Exactly what life holds in store

We only know this:

That living is bliss

And tomorrow can only bring more

Their friends and supporters

Preparing their quarters

The house they’ll hold in the frat

With lumber and nails

And paper and pails

Transforming all this into that

What an alliance!

Education and science

Imagine: John Dewey meets Freud

The knowledge produced

Is of maximum use —

Scholars will be overjoyed

The happiness spreading

Out from this wedding

This marriage of minds and of hearts

Unites more than you:

The rest of us, too,

Feel where unity starts

And, in addition,

This phase transition

Fulfills a long cherished desire

The union you enter

Is truly your center

The wholeness to which we aspire

The source and the goal

Of the flight of the soul

Is the fullness that’s growing inside

In serving another

You’ll come to discover

That fullness is spread far and wide

On this twenty-eighth day

Of the month after May

The summer of ’79

Two become one

In the warmth of the sun

To live that much more the divine

Now as you marry

Here on the prairie

Here on this field so fair

Through you is revealed

The fairest of fields

Soon to be seen everywhere

We’re royally seated

And regally treated —

The social event of the year

It’s surely a sign

Of the rising sunshine

Of soon how each day will be here

So thanks for inviting us

Thanks for delighting us—

All of us seated before you

What can we offer?

What gifts can we proffer?

We only can say: we adore you!