Lenny Goldman

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


Who can compare with our Lenny?
The answer is simple: not many

He’s as fine as they get
And not finished yet —

He’s as great as the man on the penny

North Central has never been bored
And often has been downright floored

With Lenny’s self-studies —
I’m telling you, buddies —

He’s the Mac and the Mouse That Roared

Lenny, our Crown Prince of Plans,
Deserves his vast legions of fans

How often, to date,
Has our future, our fate,

Passed through his capable hands?

When MIU’s story is told
Historians will look and behold

That all we conceived,
And all we achieved,

Was steered by this great man of gold

Starting from least excitation
He rises with great expectation

He goes to the Dome
And when he comes home

Look out — it’s Suspendered Animation!

With purity in every intention,
He’s focus with broad comprehension,

So sharp yet so broad,
We’re constantly awed —

He’s almost divine intervention

His wisdom is downright prodigious
Our respect verges on the religious

And Lenny shows flare
For suits . . . suits to wear

For Lenny is far from litigious

But oh, what great power he’ll bring —
What nature support he can swing —

The crowds have no doubt
That they better watch out

When Lenny steps into the ring

The law seems to run in his veins
His family? They’re all legal brains

It thus would appear
That his dharma is clear —

It’s a field where, truly, he reigns

This school bears his personal stamp
He’s illumined the way like a lamp

He may appear slender
But what a contender!

Lenny’s our heavyweight champ

The meetings this man has attended
The hours, months, years he’s expended

And meeting by meeting,
He’s guiding, he’s leading

So we go where Maharishi intended

Whenever there’s some disputation
Some lack-of-accord situation

Lenny will solve it
And quickly dissolve it

How? Transcendental Mediation

He moves with such dignified pace
Doing more than those people who race

And in all of his dealings
He cultures fine feelings

With courtesy, humor, and grace

Few here could possibly claim
That their form so resembles their name

No other handle
Can quite hold a candle

To Goldman (or even a flame)

Now that this subject’s been started
His first name suggests “lion-hearted”

His strength has its source
In Samhita, of course —

A field that he’s thoroughly charted

He unites natural with national law
Into one seamless whole, with no flaw —

Tracing law to its source
In the Veda, of course —

It’s for this that we hold him in awe

There’s a wish that we’d like to convey,
A desire for which we all pray —

That wish, widely known,
Is that, when we’re grown,

We’ll all be like Lenny someday

He’s fifty years old. . . . Then again
Fifty’s just five sets of ten

And five — that’s not many
So carry on, Lenny —

Check back with us when you reach ten

§ § §

Even when young he was wise:
The world was all one in his eyes

Reviewing our history,
He found it a mystery

Why, with England, we severed our ties

He felt this rift deeply inside
And resolved to help see it subside

To help bridge the gap,
This resolute chap

Selected a Brit for a bride

A lass of exceptional quality
Of good cheer, but not of frivolity

The lady he’d court
Was both guide and support —

And soon expert in law and in polity

This couple, in wedding resplendence
Brought joy to all guests in attendance

And Lenny was pleased
That the rift had been eased —

He’d signed a Declaration of Dependence

No, the evening would not be complete
Without homage to Lesley, so sweet

To his mind, she’s the heart
To his skills, she’s the art

How fortunate these two should meet

They teach “International Relations”
A course that receives acclamations

Their students revere them
May more students hear them —

Their teaching deserves adulations

(But wait — why this specialization?
Well, check their rare qualification:

They live it and breath it
And never once leave it —

Their marriage is an international relation)

They do all they do with such ease
As everyone surely agrees —

From a day that’s all Goldman
To an Age that’s all Golden,

They make that transition a breeze

They form a remarkable team
Perfect throughout, it would seem

They’ve blissed and they’ve blessed us
And deeply impressed us —

Just one word describes them: supreme

They’ve come to this time and this place
An act of beneficent grace —

The dearest of friends
The dearest of friends. . . .

With this, friends, I thus rest my case