Kathleen Hall

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Kathleen Hall

Tune: “If I Fell” – The Beatles

We will find a way to reach

This Maharishi School teach

We’ll try to . . . find a way

She’s a secretary now

But we’ll find a way somehow

To wish a happy day

Oh, Kathleen Hall is tall

And statuesque

She may give your name a call

Where she sits behind her desk

And she — she may say hello to you
And you — you will say good morning, too

And it’s true

Oh, Kathleen Hall won’t fall

She won’t be frightened

Kathleen Hall won’t stall —

She’ll become enlightened

She — she will give the same to you
And you — you’ll be glad for what she’ll do

And it’s true

Oh, Kathleen Hall is all

That a Sidha could be

She helps us recall

All the things we should be

She brings pure consciousness to view
And we hope that all her dreams come true

Come true