Howard Settle

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


We praise that great person named Howard
Whom Maharishi with blessings has showered

A knower of Self
A winner of wealth —

On the horizon of history he’s towered

We laud that great leader named Howard
Who Maharishi’s sage wisdom devoured

A taker of leaps
A prober of deeps —

Pure knowledged and organizing powered

The gulf where this man has been drilling
Is the gulf between thoughts — and it’s thrilling

The ocean of Being
Where seers are seeing —

Nothing could be so fulfilling

It’s the field that unites every force —
The goal to which all seekers course

So inward and intimate
Silent and infinite —

The ultimate energy source

This profoundly deep well that he’s tapping —
The limitless depth that he’s mapping —

Is the field that unites us
That inwardly lights us —

And it’s great that it never needs capping

He’s dynamic, yet cool and calm
He moves with great poise and aplomb

Relaxed and resourceful
Yet focused and forceful —

He’s truly a knower of Brahm

Eyes closed, he’s the unbounded ocean
Eyes open, he’s silence in motion

His life’s guiding purpose?
A spirit of service

On the ground of pure love and devotion

A purpose that’s quite single-minded —
To everything else almost blinded

America Invincible
That is his principle

And he’ll leave this old world behind it

Mickey’s been there from the start —
Of his life she’s been parcel and part

A source of pure light
Of love and delight

Shining at home in his heart

So Mickey, we honor you too
And he would agree through and through

That he would not be
The man that we see

If it had not been for you

To thank Dr. Settle, do this:
Dive into our own boundless bliss

See its power unfurled
See it rise in the world —

Until it’s impossible to miss

No date could be more auspicious
More promising or more propitious:

January 12th —
O winner of wealth:

Come out and fulfill all your wishes

We wish you, on this special day
Experiences Number One — Triple A

The Lexington Lion:
Be the first to be flying

Toward the full sunshine of day

We hail the hero named Howard
God bless every hour he’s houred

And his work will not cease
Till the world shines with peace

And Heaven on Earth has flowered

• JANUARY 12, 2013

Dear Craig,

I have received many beautiful gifts from MUM this birthday – flowers, several beautiful books, and a very beautiful letter from you with your Birthday wishes. Please share my heartfelt appreciation with the staff and Trustees of MUM for these gracious expressions of Love and good wishes.

I particularly want to thank you for your very creative limerick. Rick and Sue played the audio for Mickey and me and we laughed in pure delight at your play of words. I loved your allusion to our drilling activities and I was so happy that you included my dearest Mickey in your clever verses. Of course your praise and accolades far exceed the reality with the exception of Mickey’s role in my life, but I am very touched that you took the time to create such a wonderful tribute. A gift of pure creativity cannot be surpassed, and I am deeply grateful to you for giving us a gift of such great joy. I have the hard copy, and each time I read it I smile – you have a great talent!

Thank you Craig, and Mickey and I both send our Love, and warmest wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilled New Year to you and your Family.

Jai Guru Dev


Of wealth be the winner

Outer and inner

O winner of wealth
On this January 12th

How to salute Dr. Settle,
Who stirs the divine cosmic kettle?

What can we offer him?
What gift can we proffer him?

There’s simply no large enough medal

The one thing we can do is this:
Dive into our own boundless bliss

See its power unfurled
See it rise in the world —

Until it’s impossible to miss

On this marvelous birthday-squared day
We collectively stand up and say

We pay you both homage
By taking the knowledge

And holding it high every day

This man of inestimable worth
To the future of life on this earth —
To greatness he’s bidden
His destiny’s been written —
Just look at the date of his birth

Takes daily recourse
To the infinite source

And that is not all — there is more
To release the potentials in store

Rally the troops
Build up our groups

Before challenges he never has cowered
By the most profound knowledge he’s powered
Till this world of all suffering is scoured

esteem, respect, admire, cherish, adore
applaud, acclaim, praise, salute, recognize, celebrate, commemorate, commend, hail

From Maharishi we have the technique
To create the bright world we all seek

The future is bright
For that world full of light

. . . speak

he’s pedal to the metal
Petal by petal
The colorless sap in the petal
Shows his mettle

Howard, we pledge you our . . .

To the depths drilling down

With mental activity hushed
. . . up-rushed