Harry Bright

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


That’s Bright, with a capital B
That’s Bright — B – R – I – G – H – T

Bright, as in very
Bright, as in Harry

For no one is brighter than he

He gestures — and light beams go flying
He walks — and photons go skying

Niagras of light
Illumine the night —

And all this without even trying

Talk about loads — he bears brunts
And the man never punts, never bunts

This great Golden Domer
Each at-bat hits a homer —

Harry’s all places at once

In Admissions, this rarest of chaps
Was a dealer in inquiries, apps

He’d speak to his reps
At the top of those steps

And when he was done, he’d hear claps

He’d keep his reps repping, apps apping
He’d keep everybody’s hands clapping

His fingers were snapping
His toes always tapping —

With Harry there’s no time for napping

Harry, the pillar, the stanchion
Always expecting expansion

Ever alert
For an app to convert —

He was the “man” in Henn Mansion

His strategy was simply divine
It left every side feeling fine

Know how he captured them?
He simply enraptured them —

He’d bliss them all out — then they’d sign

The voice alone merited praise
It dates from his radio days

Pleasant yet forceful
Ever resourceful —

His speech can amuse and amaze

His TV’s as big as Gibraltar
A mighty, bright, digital altar

Harry, the doer,
Is also a viewer

His interest’s not likely to falter

And the wires that pour out the back!
A Niagara — alas and alack!

He watches his sports
And post-sports reports

While often at work on his Mac

We all would go in through his door
To gather and watch 24

Hour after hour
On the streets with Jack Bauer —

Preventing the next world war

His Mac is where Harry designs
The posters, the banners, the signs

To every request
He offers his best —

There’s nothing that Harry declines

Harry’s in charge of the Press
The results? Not difficult to guess

Short run and long run:
Harry’s a strong one

With a string of chart-topping success

His birthday cards go beyond clever —
Funny? Man, are they ever

His every activity
Is pure creativity —

He sparkles in every endeavor

He’s a Royal Canadian Mountie
And the Mounties, we know, catch their bounty

His bounty is revenue
He’s a one-person retinue

Bringing wealth into Jefferson County

Tommy and Kathy were able
To sell vegetables out on a table

Outside the Dome
As people went home —

They needed something more stable

The idea at first was a tent —
Which went as far as it went . . .

Next was a shed
From Menards — which led

To attention and time being spent

Doug Greenfield got wind of the plan
And Doug is a dynamic man

Doug is a visionary
With the zeal of a missionary —

He offered to lend us a hand

Doug got together with Harry
As Shakespeare would declare, “Oh, marry!”

With Harry, Doug’s dream
Gained traction and steam —

Momentum — now neither could tarry

With the dream, dedication, and drive
They jived, they contrived, and they strived

One beautiful morn,
The dream — it was born —

The Golden Dome Market arrived

The wonderful things that they sell there —
Whatever you need, you’ll do well there

But somewhere inside
There’s a wish that you hide —

You wish you could actually dwell there

Was Doug G inspired – yes, very
So pleased with this project with Harry

He turned right around
And broke some more ground

And built him a house on the prairie

When Harry strides on the stage
We’re staring at Plant and at Page

The swaggering hips
The curl on the lips —

He takes us to rock’s Golden Age

On that stage to which all men aspire
He’s taking us higher and higher

He’s Jimi, he’s Keith
He plays with his teeth

And then — he sets it on fire

Playing gig after gig after gig
With Michael and Ira and Rig

The crowds are accruing
Fame’s begun brewing —

The Suits are going to be BIG!

Broad shouldered and strong in the limb
He rides both the center and rim

As the decades unfold
And our story is told

A great hero will surely be him

Let’s say what he’s not — how about that?
This Bright’s not a brute, not a brat

What he is is a hit —
This Bright’s a near-Brit —

Harry is right where it’s at

Whenever he tours about
He leaves not a shadow of doubt

This Harry, behold,
Is brilliantly bold —

“Give ’em Heaven, Harry!” we shout

Skeptics, beware what you say
Harry will carry the day

Harry’s been tested
But never been bested —

“Give ’em Heaven, Harry!” we say

He makes the point perfectly clear
Whenever he’ll chance to appear

Winters and summers
He takes on all comers —

“Give ’em Heaven, Harry!” we cheer

A coexistence of opposites fellow
Highly intense, highly mellow

The rumble is sweet
When he hits the street —

“Give ’em Heaven, Harry!” we bellow

In each thought that comes up in his mind
In each word that he speaks, we can find

A pulse of pure light
Of pure Harry Bright —

He’s the U.S. and Canada combined

Harry, hurry, hero — hurray —
These words go together some way

Pure pride at the Preakness
No shadow of weakness —

Harry must carry the day

He combines both mobility and stability —
Throw in a dash of humility

Such glory, such drama
We say, “Harry Rama!” —

He’s established in the field of tranquility

He’s brightest, he’s brighter, he’s bright
He’s lightest, he’s lighter, he’s light

This brightness named Harry
So effulgent it’s scary —

Supernova, super radiant light

DECEMBER 31, 2015