Ervin, Ervin, Bob, and Lamar

Ervin, Ervin, Bob, and Lamar were a group of Amish carpenters from Bloomfield, Iowa, whom Melissa and I hired in 1987 to do a major renovation of our apartment in building 154. (Bob was not, technically, Amish, but he was a member of their team.)

They were not able to work full time on the project because they were in high demand and had several other projects going on at the same time — not surprising since they did quality work and charged only $8 an hour at the time (just under $18/hour in 2018 dollars).

I said to Ervin, the elder member and leader of the group, “If you’re in such demand, why not raise your rate to $10 an hour?”

I will never forget Ervin’s reply. “Because,” he said, “I don’t want people not to be able to afford me.” Ervin and his team endeared themselves to people throughout the community.

When they completed the project — totally transforming our apartment — I wrote and read this short tribute to them.

Some years later someone told me he had gone to Bloomfield to visit Ervin and his family. During the visit, Ervin proudly opened the huge family Bible — where he had been storing this verse — and took it out to show it to him.


They knocked down old walls, and it quickened our blood
They weathered the dust and the fire and flood*
They took such great care with each nail and stud
As they capped off the plumbing and slapped on the mud
And as the cows in the field stood chewing their cud
They brought forth a beautiful rose from the bud

To Ervin and Ervin, to Lamar and to Bob

Thank you for doing a wonderful job

To Ervin and Ervin, to Bob and Lamar

Thank you for being the great folks you are!

To Bob and Lamar, to Ervin and Ervin

All of the best you are surely deservin’!

*During the renovation there was a plumbing malfunction below the roof of the building that flood a section of the apartment.