Emily Levin

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These are new words to Emily’s wonderful song, “The Maharishi Effect.”

Doesn’t really matter which song she’s singing
Anyone can feel all the bliss she’s bringing
From here to here you can find her swinging

There’s something magic in her throat
Soma flows through every note

We feel such deep respect
For Emily Levin’s effect

It’s not a celebration unless she’s playing
Everybody wonders how long she’s staying
Forever and forever, you can hear us praying

With guitar and music stand
Her situation’s well in hand

We’re happy to connect
To Emily Levin’s effect

Everywhere she goes she hears her friends beseeching
To sing her sweet songs about the precious teaching
Her magic words and her music are so far-reaching

The golden voice of MIU
Soma flowing through and through

Our faces all reflect
Emily Levin’s effect