Ed Butler

Ed Butler was a university staff member in the late 1970s. He had served in the Marines prior to enrolling at MIU as an undergraduate student, where he met and then married Margaret Yoder Butler, the chair of the Literature Department at the time. Among other responsibilities, Ed helped students with the annual yearbook. After leaving the university Margaret trained as a minister in Iowa City, where they relocated.


His Indian dinners are said to be winners

By those whom he graciously fills

And that’s just a sample, a simple example,

Of some of his wide-ranging skills

He’s willing and able to sit at a table,

Evaluate dozens of papers

But sooner or later a Project WRITE grader*

Must handle unusual capers

There once was a student who wasn’t too prudent

He dared give a hard time to Ed

People inquired what later transpired

And widely the rumors were spread

When asked of his fate, the student would state

He’d needed the lesson for months

And he never knew he ever could do

So many pushups at once!

Ed is demanding and yet understanding

He’s hardness and softness combined

A seeker beside us, a leader to guide us,

A man with true heart and true mind.

He edits each year those books we hold dear

They shimmer and shine on our shelves

The books we discuss are reflections of us —

They curve us right back on ourselves.

Ed lived in Frisco, not doing disco —

Country and bluegrass he played

The budding musician with inner ambition

Lived off the wage he was paid.

A four-year Mariner, he sought grasses greener

Enrolling right here — MIU

He knew his guitar would carry him far:

It led him, dear Margaret, to you.

Ed finds completeness in Margaret’s soft sweetness

And yet he continues to grow:

Ed, ever yearning, continues his learning —

To Iowa City he’ll go,

To study geography — not just topography —

Ed will go down to the root

So subtle a field through Ed is revealed

It’s often been called Absolute

The field of study for Edward the Ruddy

Is truly a field of green

For Ed will fulfill it — Ed will instill it

With CI like nobody’s seen.**


* Project WRITE was a writing-across-the-curriculum I help create and directed for my first eight years here. WRITE is an acronym for “Writing and Revising for Intelligent Thought and Expression.”

** Creative intelligence