Dale Divoky

Growing up in Ohio, Dale was inspired by his parents to study art. After graduating with a BFA in art from Alfred University, New York, he studied figurative sculpture at the Cooper School of Art in Ohio.

In 1982 Dale moved to Fairfield to join the large meditation group there and began teaching sculpture at MUM in 1984. He had the good fortune, over a 12-year period, to work on sculptures of Guru Dev under Maharishi’s guidance.

His main teaching focus has been Figurative Sculpture and Art and Nature. His artwork has been selected for public collections, including the Mario Lanza Museum in Philadelphia, the New York State Capital Building, the Meredith Building (Better Homes & Gardens) in Des Moines, and the University of Iowa Hospital.


The hour had long since grown late
Time, so it seemed, wouldn’t wait

The Master arose
The meeting would close —

But did he just now hesitate?

He sat again — some were amazed
The Artist’s twin sculpture were praised

Then came reflections
Subtler directions

As lighting was lowered, then raised

“More wholeness,” he said, from his seat,
“More softness where surfaces meet.”

The Artist — he listened
Both sculptures glistened —

The knowledge he gained was complete

What artist could ask such a boon?
This Master, with whom to attune —

He channels his days
Toward completing this phase

By summer. . . July. . . the full moon

This Artist, we’ve known from the start,
Is a man of devotion, and heart

Each carving he makes
Pure Being awakes —

His life proves his mastery of art

His gift: such refinement of taste
Repose in a world of haste

His simple desire
Is just to inspire —

May the world with his sculptures be graced