Chris Hartnett

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“Perfection of body consists in
beauty, grace, strength and
adamantine (thunderlike) Hartnett.”
— Patanjali

Chris Hartnett: who’s not heard of that high-flying guy?

Red-haired, successful, a blaze through the sky.

Chris Hartnett’s no hard nut — he’s easy to know:

He makes himself friends wherever he’ll go

Chris Hartnett — we’ve heard naught but praise for the chap:

Appreciation seems to fall in his lap.

Chris Hartnett’s no hoard-nut — he’s a generous man

He gives of himself whenever he can

Chris Hartnett: he’s erred not — he’s fixed on the goal

Focused on unity, a truly great soul.

He married a saint — Linda St. Denis.

Are they devoted? Are there gondolas in Venice?

They met while both students right here, MIU

They’d meet after Forest for sweet rendezvous

And now there’s success, and a home, and two kids

And their future? — no trading, whatever the bids.

Their future’s so bright, so brilliant, so blissful,

More precious and rare than Hope Diamonds by fistful

Linda studied art, had her work on the wall

What Chris studied, no one seems to recall.

Those who remember Chris Hartnett back then

Recall the most merry and prankish of men.

His studies went well, but the boy was a dreamer,

Filled with big thoughts — a big planner and schemer

For Chris, thinking big was a personal passion

Long before thinking big came into fashion

His high-jinx were gently and thoughtfully styled —

With Chris you might say that the joker went mild.

Whatever he does, it’s with zeal and zest —

Like magic: he made himself one of the best.

He acquired the books and read every page

And probably could have taken his act to the stage.

But even close friends were quite unprepared

For his interest in gems — zeal and zest squared.

He made them his business — he bought them and sold them

But his joy above all was to own them and hold them.

It’s stranger than fiction, but Linda will vouch:

They had gems in their house before even a couch.

He goes on a trip, and what does he pack?

A huge bag of gems . . . extra socks . . . and a snack.

He came to a border — and stood up erect:

Bags were actually being opened and checked!

He looked at his bag and froze on the spot —

The check was routine — but the contents were not.

They opened his bag, and what do you think?

Were they stunned? Did they jump? Forget how to blink?

They closed up his bag and waved him on through —

If they were surprised, there wasn’t a clue.

He’s studying Jyotish, and now we know why:

He wants to acquire those gems in the sky.

This spark in the dark made his mark at the Merc

It was silence in motion to watch the man work.

Twice daily he’d hop on the foam on the floor

Then go to the Merc and hop a lot more.

Fairfield’s own trader hopped straight to the top —

On anyone’s index, the cream of the crop.

As everyone knew, a unique kind of guy:

His button stood out, proclaiming “I-FLY”

Folks were attracted, like moths to a flame

They questioned, he answered — and always the same:

Exactly as if he were selling a gem

He clearly, compellingly sold them TM

Many men came, and many men started

Too bad for the Merc that Chris Hartnett departed.

But not bad for Chris — he deserves something easier

Closer to home — balmier, breezier. . . .

He’s nearly a legend for the deals he closes

He’s hard as a diamond — yet softer than roses

Look at the ladies at the heart of his life —

Three beautiful daughters, a beautiful wife

Linda and Sophie and Kristen and Heather —

His family, as families should be, is together.

His heart’s in his home, and his home’s in his heart

He’s the familiest man from finish to start

And year after year, he grows more refined

Toward fully developed Hartnett and mind.

He recently passed through a phase transformation:

Some physiological purification

Thank heaven for Yagyas — they turned it around

They got the man up with his feet on the ground.

The ending was happy, the outcome was great

But on the way there, Chris lost some weight

How much did he lose? He was able to bear it —

But any more and they’d measure his weight by the carat

So Chris must take care with the food that goes in —

Who wants to see this man Chris-fully thin? (1)

He has to keep balanced between this and that —

Who wants to see him grow Chris-fully fat?

His friends have thus taken a special collection —

A collection of recipes to give some direction

Recipes From the Heart — that’s what it’s called

Guaranteed to keep your tummy enthralled

The purpose of the book? They’ve left little doubt:

Your friends want your body completely blissed out.

Bliss is the basis of health, we all know

So bliss is the way that your body will go.

Everything here has been picked for perfection

And collected for you with all love and affection.

This town’s leading ladies and their very best dishes —

Here is the ultimate fulfillment of wishes

Each lady obviously really can cook

Here’s knowledge not meant to remain in the book

They’ve chosen their best, their most famous, their top —

The cream of the crop for the cream of the crop

These recipes are first on anyone’s ballot

One taste and we’re moved from the hut to the palate (2)

All that it takes is to smell the aroma

To feel the production of ojas and soma. (3)

Each dish is beyond any measure of worth —

Each bite is like heaven descending on girth.

Jane Hopson’s recipe is a pleasure to make

It’s called, not surprisingly, “Jane’s Fundraising Cake”

The ingredients are actually quite simple in all:

She’s listed a few thousand names you can call.

Sheila Ross — Sheila-maze, Sheila-stound, Sheila-peal,

Sheila-stonish, Sheila-pear with a really great meal.

There’s no “Sorry, Charley” when Ingmari cooks

And Margareta’s dishes have universal good looks;

These ladies’ meals are fountains of youth

So nourishing you naturally speak the Swede truth.

Sweet tastes of Utopia are coming from Josie, (4)

Our trusty Trustee who makes Fairfield rosy.

With Leslie Brooks, you’ll dine like the Romans

And Susan — who wouldn’t want to dine with the Chromans?

Susie and Joan, the Averberg twins — (5)

With cooking, they know where the matter begins.

Susan Daniels — we know where her cooking occurs:

Her home’s where her hearth is — his chimney is hers;

Her food is delicious, though high-tech it’s not:

You’ll need a big fireplace and a great big black pot. (6)

Debra Poneman’s dishes are always success:

They make you stand up and say yes to her cress. (7)

Cathy Brooks’ cooking is quite presidential —

To savor such flavor is to feel reverential.

Cath cooks for presidents — but we know what you’re thinkin’:

Look at June Norton — she’s cooking for Lincoln!

It’s a feast for Roman emperors when Jaine’s family sits, (8)

The freshness of peaches without any pits.

Mary Lee came, and Mary Lee Shaw,

And Mary Lee conquered — her meals create awe.

With Kathy Deuber cooking, Mother Divine is at home,

With Lynn Lass but not least, you won’t want to roam.

Margie will show you the Wege it’s done,

And Lieb it to Toby — she’s second to none.

Cenin your votes when Danyse has you dine,

And Lynda — Govinda! — her food is divine (9)

You’ll be dreaming of Jeanne’s cuisine, which you’ll love —

There’s never a contest when Punj comes to shove

“And how!” for Ann Hauptman — her home’s Queen Ann’s Place — (10)

What she Bruce [brews] up puts a smile on your face

Lesley will turn your insides to gold (11)

When Candace is cooking, you’ll never grow old (12)

You’ll feel like a million with Gillian’s plate (13)

What bliss when Susan Tracy says “Let’s make a date”

Who has produced and directed this show?

Somebody Karen — Mrs. Rubin, you know.

If Karen makes reubens, they’re surely the best

She fuels fine feelings — you’re blessed as her guest.

Can you believe it? Beyond comprehension —

Hope you can handle this flood of attention

One Leslie, one Lesley, one Lynda, one Lynn,

Jeanne, Jane, Jaine, June, and Joan — let’s begin!

One Susie, two Susans, and so many others

Such glorious food from these ladies and mothers

What you see you become — this principle’s true,

But eating is bliss — what you eat becomes you.

There’s only one news that these ladies await:

That your heart grew in bliss from the food on the plate.

Like the gems that he owns, Chris has thousands of facets

He’s one of Fairfield’s single best assets

Measure his brilliancy, his prismatic fire,

His color and luster — how they inspire.

Opalescence so rich that it rivets one’s gaze

Here’s a life born to amaze and to praise

He’s fun-loving, generous, happy, and kind,

Friendly and charming and thoughtful of mind

He’s wild and crazy, he wheels and he deals

And always holds true to the highest ideals

Look at Chris Hartnett and this may be learned:

He’s a great friend to all, and from all it’s returned.

Want to see his most spectacular jewel?

It’s right here on campus — Maharishi School

History will be pleased to note and report

How the Hartnetts provided enormous support.

This town is becoming a radiant gem

And we see that, in large part, it’s owing to them.

They show to the world what it means to succeed —

May all of our graduates follow their lead.

The secrets of nature through Chris are revealed:

He Hartnetts the power of the unified field.

He shows us what growth to enlightenment can be:

He’s the star that shines light from the top of the tree

It’s easy to see where Chris Hartnett is at:

I am That, Thou art That, all Chris is That

Rubies are red, sapphires are blue,

And words can’t describe how we feel about you

Emeralds are green and diamonds are clear,

And we’re happy as heaven to have you back here.

September 5, l989

(1) A play on “Blissfully Thin,” the name of a program offered at the time by MAPI (Maharishi Ayurveda Products International).

(2) A play on Maharishi’s metaphor for gaining enlightenment, moving from the hut to the palace.

(3) When the human physiology is free of stress and functioning in the most refined manner, it produces these compounds, which support enlightenment.

(4) Josie Fauerso, whose husband, Paul, wrote and recorded an album of songs during the 1983-84 Taste of Utopia Assembly called Sweet Taste of Utopia, with the title song of the same name.

(5) Susie Averbach and Joan Rothenberg.

(6) Susan Daniels’s husband, Bob, was founder and CEO of Copperfield Chimney Supply, the nation’s largest supplier of chimney gear.

(7) Debra Poneman is founder and CEO of Yes to Success.

(8) Jaine Roman Pitt.

(9) Lynda Dimick.

(10) A play on the flower, Queen Anne’s lace.

(11) Lesley Goldman.

(12) Candace Badgett.

(13) Gillian ???

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett

This is from my sketchbook, regrettably never presented to Chris. . . . Intended to be sung to the tune of “Roll Over Beethoven,” the 1956 hit written and recorded by Chuck Berry, covered by many other artists (including the Beatles), and ranked by Rolling Stone magazine as number 97 its list of “The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.”

Gonna hold up a flower, gonna wish a golden shower today
To our man of the hour, he’s a tower of power today

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett
We’re with you all the way

Gonna light a big candle, gonna make a lot of wishes today
Gonna cut big cake, and it’s gonna be delicious today

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett
We’re with you all the way

Gonna build a big group, create heaven on earth today
He’s the head of the troop, and we celebrate his birth today

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett
We’re with you all the way

Got a million people dialin’ — Chris Hartnett
Got a million people smilin’ — Chris Hartnett
Got a million people talkin’ — Chris Hartnett
Got a million people gawkin’ — Chris Hartnett

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett
We’re with you all the way

Gonna make the future clear, gonna build Sthapatya homes today
Gonna bring more people here, gonna fill the Golden Domes today

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett
We’re with you all the way

Got a million people dialin’ — Chris Hartnett
Got a million people smilin’ — Chris Hartnett
Got a million people talkin’ — Chris Hartnett
Got a million people gawkin’ — Chris Hartnett

Happy Birthday, Chris Hartnett
We’re with you all the way