Carol de Giere

Place bio text here.


Without her, our life would be sterile
But with her, more fun than a barrel

She brings us together
In wintriest weather

She’s caring. . . she’s cared for. . . she’s Carol

She started life as a librarian
That was before her Stansberryin’

From Continuing Ed
To her writing (well read) —

How many worlds she’s made merry in!

One of the first ones, way back,
She purchased a servant named Mac

At home in her house
With friends Mac and Mouse

Her time seemed to take a new tack

She shares with the world what she thinks
The Queen of Unusual Inks

Giving form to her voice,
The inks of her choice

Usually are some sort of pinks

Forgive this poetic confessional
On the student soon turning professional

But beginning this year
Her brilliant career

Will be nothing less than sensessional

She often plays hostess and host
Now here’s where she stands above most

Name the event:
With the merest intent

She’s the best, and we know that’s no boast

Carol once found a strawberry
Enormous and luscious? Yes — very

Using a wedge
She stood it on edge —

The headlines read: “Carol Stands Berry”

But that berry quite went to her head
She forgot other things, and instead

She admired and inspected it
The headlines reflected it:

“Carol Scans Berry,” they said.

Then one day when she was unwary
This trend in her life was to vary

A sparrow flew low,
Plucked the berry — oh, no!

The headlines read, “Carol Sans Berry”

She lives Saha nav avatu
She breathes Saha nau bhunaktu

Ever revealing
The finest of feeling

And the infinite bliss shining through