Bonnie Barnett

Place bio text here.


Check the initials: “B.B.”
What can the meaning here be?

Two B’s in a row —
It’s cryptic, I know . . .
Or more fundamental?

Perhaps we’ll discover the key

It surely means “Bubbling Bliss”
It’s rare to find joy such as this

Or the “Double B” maybe
Means “Beautiful Baby”:
Jessica says “HI!”
Gives you five, waves “bye bye” —

She’s rearing a marvelous miss

She’s “Blossing Being” — it’s true —

The Absolute stirs into view

Her smile’s so nice
You stop and look twice —
Look at this being
And what are you seeing?

The innermost essence of you

She’s also a “Breathtaking Baker”

A breader, cookier, caker

She has what it takes —
We take what she bakes —
Only pure dropping Soma
Could match that aroma —

May her talents here never forsake her

She’s truly the Best of the Best

Whoever she meets is impressed

Wherever she places
Her great and good graces
The power and precision
And warmth of her vision

Will rise to the status of blessed

She’ll light up your life if you let her
Thus lit, you will never forget her

Her light, which goes deep,
You’ll treasure and keep
She herself mightn’t
Say she’s enlightened

But all those who know her . . . know better