Paul Fauerso

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


His performance is one not to miss
And the primary reason is this:

The souls of his shoes
Betray rhythm and blues —

But his body’s pure rhythm and bliss

He takes those electrified keys
And sets them across those great knees

The audience waits . . .
Breathing abates . . .

Paul, play whatever you please

On keyboards, his fingers can go
Unleash him, and man, he can blow

And boy, can he wail —
With his personal scale:

Do re mi Fauerso la ti do

He can shake, he can rattle and roll
He can rock, he can sock us with soul

He can rap, he can funk,
He can slam, he can dunk —

Talk about out of control

But then there’s his other great side:
Minds settle, hearts open wide

He’s the lamp at the door,
The boat on the shore

That takes us to oceans inside

His voice knows no boundaries of space
He can soar to soprano from bass

And all points between
While remaining serene,

With a cherub’s sweet look on his face

Raj Fauerso, musician to kings —
Who can describe what he brings

When he strides to the stage,
This giant, sweet sage —

When he closes his eyes and he sings?

His songs have a signature style:
Melodies made to beguile,

Rhythms that move
Us into the groove,

And words that make all of us smile

Writing quickly, but never with haste,
Paul keeps it simple — no waste.

Songs from the source —
The Utopia course?

Paul gave the initial “sweet taste”

Paul endows silence with shape
And records it on magnetic tape

How the mind floats
In the gaps between notes —

He offers celestial escape

Natural Tendency — our band of renown
It was Donovan meeting James Brown —

Rick’s strings and Paul’s keys
And their sweet harmonies

Are memories worth keeping around

On top of it all, the man teaches —
Into each student he reaches

He opens some door
And he touches the core —

“Teach us some more,” each beseeches

That background music he’s paid for —
Is that what Paul Fauerso was made for?

We wish him no less
Than resounding success —

But consider just whom Paul has played for

The foreground is where he belongs
The world has to hear his great songs —

The songs that resound
With knowledge profound —

He deserves to be heard by the throngs

We’ll know that we have the full sun
And that all of our efforts are done

When we look to the charts
And there — bless our hearts —

“Cosmic Consciousness” holds number one

On the finest fine level of feeling
This masterly Paul is revealing

A beautiful soul
The source, course, and goal —

(We say as we float to the ceiling)

And Josie and Paul . . . they reveal
Through Elizabeth, Joey, and Neil

That young Fauersos are born
And then, one fine morn —

They’re grown up! Well, how does that feel?

One thing’s for sure — the man’s tall
But by far the best feature of all,

Assessing all things —
How he walks, talks, and sings —

The best thing is just that he’s Paul

So come on everyone, pull his coat
It’s the boat of pure bliss that he’ll float

Paul’s introduced
And with Soma we’re juiced

Through every last magical note

In light of the bliss we’ve withstood
We’d give you the world if we could

On this special day
We’re loved, and we say:

“We love you — and so Fauerso good.”

You work the divinest of arts,
Creating sweet wholeness from parts

You divine, then you write,
Then you play and delight —

Paul, you’re the Maestro of our Hearts

July 7, 1992, 1997, 2012