Jane Schmidt-Wilk

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


Heads up for Jane Schmidt-Wilk, Doctor
She visits your class as a proctor

If your charts are in place
Then look at her face:

Her smile will tell you you’ve rocked her

Jane’s after academic excellence
Mediocre, to her, is a pestilence

She sees the ideal
And wishes it real —

Anything less has no relevance

But it has to be Consciousness-Based —
This foundation cannot be replaced

With intellects enlightened
Classrooms are brightened

And teaching and learning are graced

She’s the Dean of Teaching and Learning
In her soul this ideal is burning:

Education is bliss
And her pathway to this?

To her Self she is ever returning

Jane wants our faculty developed
Her training course gets them enveloped

And teachers thus trained —
They all have explained

How hugely they feel they’ve been hel-oped

Jane’s the ideal of pedagogical
She values engagement — she’s logical

Her standards are high
She helps students fly —

She’s the opposite of stale and stodgical

She’s visibly vital and vigorous
Her students revere her as rigorous

With zeal and zest
She draws out their best —

They’ll tell you: “Jane can transfigure us”

The Journal of Management Education
She made a top-drawer publication

Eight years as editor!
How nicely they credit her —

She received a first-class commendation

Teachers of the world, make haste!
You don’t have an hour to waste

Give your students this gift —
This light, this uplift —

This knowledge that’s Consciousness-Based

If you need help, call on Jane
There’s nothing she cannot explain

Wherever your college
Jane has the knowledge

Of the goal that you wish to attain

Any college would shell out top dollar
To snare such a teacher and scholar

We’re happy she’s here
In our band of good cheer —

So give her a shout-out, a holler

She’s married to a reference librarian
Whose skill sets are truly Wagnerian

We’re referring to Martin
Who has brains by the carton —

Everyone, please sound your clarion

Great teaching . . . great research . . . great service
Jane’s greatness can almost unnerve us

But Jane feels graced
That it’s here she’s been placed,

Wondering what did she do to deserve us?

She starts with a vision that’s grand
Then ensures that the steps are all planned

It’s a comfort to know
As we go with her flow

That she’s high in the Jane of command

Liebe Jane, wir loben dich heute
Alle diese lächelnde Leute

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag . . .
Günstigen Mahurtstag . . .

Frieden, Erleuchtung, und Freude

Dir alles Gute wir wünschen
Unzählige strahlende Rosenbündchen

Reisen nach München
Funkelnden Hündchen

Glücklichkeit in jeden Stündchen*

So give her a flooding of flowers
Pour out your praises in showers

Professor Schmidt-Wilk
We are fond of your ilk

You’re at the height of your powers

All praise to Professor Schmidt-Wilk
May your path be as soft as smooth silk

May your wishes come true
Taking Martin and you

To that sweet land of honey and milk


January 15, 2015

*Jane lived in Germany for many years — it’s where she met Martin. Here is a rough, unrhymed translation of these verses:

Dear Jane, we praise you today
All these smiling people
Happy birthday (all good on your birthday)
A favorable Muhurta-day —
Peace, enlightenment, and joy

We wish you all the best
Countless bright small bunches of roses
Travels to Munich
Sparkling little dogs
Happiness in every little hour