Richard Neate

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Richard Neate

We honor the great Richard Neate
He’s sage, he’s serene, and he’s sweet

No praises be spared —
He’s half of ten squared —

Throw petals of flowers at his feet

He’s gentle — but also, he’s tough
This pilot with all the right stuff

Our man among men —
He’s two score and ten —

We can’t appreciate him enough

A great teacher is he, Richard Neate —
A Richard Neate course is a treat

With students he’s first
At fulfilling their thirst —

“Teach us some more!” they entreat

Then one day he suddenly comes
And asks, “Can I run the alums?”

We hardly need think —
In less than a blink

Up in the air go our thumbs

In the Self he will often retreat
Making the abstract concrete

He’s wholeness unsundered
He’s half of 100 —

Of pure knowledge, he’s truly the seat

His heart is warm, intellect fleet
He’s mentally fast on his feet

He’s notably nice —
He’s twenty-five twice —

He’s Richard — our dear Richard Neate

He’s the man whom we never would switch
Where there’s never a hitch or a glitch

May fortune rain down
On him (and this town)

May he quickly become truly . . . Rich

Rare and refined, Richard Neate
As gracious a man as we’ll meet

And one thing we know is
We’re grateful to Lois —

She makes the whole package complete

December 16, 1995