Raja Bob Wynne

Place bio text here.


Bob is a star among stars
With condo, computer, two cars

Success’s sweet trappings —
The fame, the hand-clappings

Just one thing is missing: cigars

He’s been to the islands and sunned
He’s gallant — but never outgunned

Measure for measure
He’s MIU’s treasure —

Our one-person mutual fund

He’s brought us his whole family tree
His father is now a Trustee*

We won’t be surprised
If soon we’re apprised

That his mother is running PE**

I thought that Bob’s record was clear
Till I learned he’s a big racketeer

He loves to hold court —
It’s his favorite sport —

If he holds service too, well here here!

Wynne’s marriage — think what it means:
Boston meets Texas: what scenes!

They’ve two things in common:
Desire for Brahman

And a special affection for beans

He’s a leader with natural command
With remote control gizmo in hand

His character’s noble
His vision is global —

Are any more satellites planned?

He’s big hearted, generous, wise
What clarity shines from those eyes!

On the lookout for jokes
(and a couple cold Cokes)

He’s our continuous pleasant surprise

His menu today? Well, let’s see
It’s pizza —two meals or three?

For Bob we all wish
Thin crust and deep dish

He’s “castle to Hut,” all agree*

He’s acclaimed for his cool capabilities
Famed for finesse and facilities

And beneath all these talents
Lies ballast and balance —

He’s a field of all pizzabilities

His humor is gentle — but quick
It seems that he can’t miss a trick

His quiet “Ho ho”
Is sufficient to show

Bob is our year-round St. Nick

What stunning success Bob has seen
Now he’s our Faculty Dean

Natural law backs him
In living that maxim:

“Do less and accomplish Maureen”

With day-and-night bliss Bob is brimming
Even when budgets need trimming

Our illustrious leader
Few sharper, or sweeter —

His is a light never dimming

In Brooks Brothers pinstripe, with fob
He’s Maureen’s original throb

His outlook is rosy
His presence is cozy

We love you like crazy, dear Bob

* A play on Maharishi’s analogy that growth to enlightenment is like moving from a hut to a castle: When Bob goes out for fast food, he moves from his castle to Pizza Hut.

He’s all pizzabilities

* Raja Wynne’s father, John Wynne, served as vice president at MIT and became a member of the board of trustees at Maharishi University of Management, where he helped oversee the development of the MBA and PhD in management programs.

** His mother, Helen, ran a sporting goods store in Boston and was a capable tennis player.