Monty Guild

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Royal Monty to the Rescue


Beguiled by Guild

Montague Guild — what a name!
It glistens with fortune and fame

May his glory be told
This man of pure gold

Who owns the best name in the game

Talk about major donations
He laid the very foundations

Add the priceless dimension
Of his time and attention —

He’s worthy of all adorations

He made giving a spectator sport
The banquet was where he held court

With our founding Trustee
At the front, as MC,

The thermometer rarely fell short

Monty was first in his class
And still is, should anyone ask

A class so elite
So strong yet so sweet —

Silence never moved quite as fast

Leading economic indicators say
That Monty’s still leading the way

We wish we had more of him
We’d settle for a score of him —

We’d have our bright future today

But even though Monty’s just one
He’s a legend for all that he’s done

A legend still living,
Still leading, still giving —

And he’s probably barely begun

For all that he’s helped us to build
May his deepest desires be fulfilled

He’s truly amazing
So worthy of praising —

That treasure named Montague Guild