Miracle Month

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Miracle Month

’Twas the night before April and all through the town

Every Sidha was stirring and coming on down

To the great Golden Dome to launch a great thing:

April as Miracle Month — perpetual spring

The plans had been laid by committees with care

In hopes that great miracles soon would be there

Childcare, transport — all planned to perfection

Maharishi himself has set the direction:

Self-referral performance:  on the Self back we curve

To give the world’s people the bliss they deserve

Talk about superstrings — friends, there’s no doubt:

The world for too long has been super strung out

We’ve moved here from far to call Fairfield our home —

Let’s move that last half a mile to the Dome

We’ve already proven the things we can do

I offer you here just a simple review:

As Fairfield Sidhas threaten to hover,

The sickness rate, ailing, will never recover

We’ll witness one accident, if any at all,

As the accident rate takes a serious fall

And the only boom that we’re hoping to hear

Is the stock market having a very good year

Leaders of nations will broadcast sweet greetings

Exchange gifts of peace at more regular meetings

Reagan and Gorbachev — fastest of friends

As the era of peace they begin never ends

Maharishi School students are going to send thrills

Through the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills

(They top it so often it’s grown a bit boring;

Let’s recalibrate it and restart the scoring.)

What might take place in our Sidha community

As we accelerate progress toward unity?

All this may lead to a definite trend

Toward mergers — and where do you think that will end?

What happens when businesses all have the urge

With Great Midwestern Ice Cream somehow to merge?

Try to imagine the new, unique flavors —

We’ll do the sweets industry unforgettable favors:

Talk about appetite — how can we curb it

With Soil Technologies’ delicious loam sherbet?

Talk about sales — the public will flip

For the Beckley Group’s No Money Down Chocolate Chip

Talk about popular — they’ll win every vote:

United Investment Group’s Capital Float

Nature supports us, but don’t forget thus:

We have met Nature, and Nature is us.

Prepare for a leap in our Nature support —

But we will be leaping, and we love that sport.

So let’s pack ’em in here, shoulder to shoulder

Make sure that no one will grow a day older

The Committee has worked up some real surprises:

For perfect attendance, some fabulous prizes

The grand prize, a truly incredible boon:

Round trip tickets for two to the moon

It’s supreme competition, so arise and compete

No competition’s as grand or as sweet

Let’s follow the path set so clearly before us

By Maharishi and our President, dear Dr. Morris

Let’s follow precisely the Wilsons’s advice

To achieve perfect programs. . . every day. . . twice

Dillbecks, Orme-Johnsons, Pasco, and Fagan:

Let’s bestow perfect health on President Reagan

Students like James and Elizabeth Hewson:

Unbounded bliss on Mayor Rasmussen

The Goldmans, the Goldsteins, Goldbergs and Goldfingers:

Our opportunity’s golden, and time never lingers

The Oranges, the Browns, the Greens, and the Whites:

All are preparing for April delights

Vicki and Skip, Joan and Bill, Fred and Nita:

We’re making our move on the Veda Samhita

Sandy and Tom, Gerald and Sheila:

Now is the time for our own Veda-Lila

Come, Dean Gorini, Deans Bob and Maureen

And the Deans, Keenes, Yudin, and Breen better be seen

Shatkin and Matkins, Mixon and Dixons

The Saiphers, the Schaefers, the Hicks and the Nixons

The Petricks, the Patricks, the Potts, and the Pitts

The Setzers and Switzer and Schmidts, Fritz, and Blitz

Natural Lawlors and Lawley, McMasters, great Powers

And for true immortality, not one but two Towers

The Dennans, McLennans, Cenins, Steins, Sterns

Utopia by the time Bevan returns

Sandy and Tom, and David and Lane

Heavenly pleasures for Akin and Pain

Fishers, Hunter, Archers; Canon and Spears

Fauersos and Garsos and Shary’s and Sherrs

Nichols and Dallers — we’re all growing wealthy

As Rists, Hipps, and Toews become perfectly healthy

Manon, all Crews, and get Duty, Dunn

To really enliven the full three-in-one

Come Weavers and Cutters and Taylors — such skills!

Piper and Porters and Millers (with Mills)

Nortons and Sutherland, Eastman and Wests —

Let’s answer Maharishi’s repeated requests

Hawthornes, Bushes, Rushes; Berry, Blum, Rose

Baer, Huggins; Cole, Burns — and all Fairfield glows

DeForests and Woods; Hill, Dales, and Knoll

Sands and Schors; Brooks, Boggs, Pons — on to the goal

Greenfields, Timberlake — the scenery’s great

Leave plenty of time, and please don’t be late!

Streid, Walker, Reiter — we travel in style

And remember, every Hopson is a cosmic smile

Friends, Chromans, Countrymen, lend me your ears

If laws of nature could speak, we’d hear cheers

Hurlins, the Stones; Peale and the Bealls

Truby and Ruby, the Chells and the Wells

Herman and Sherman and Berman; Wright, Price

No feast is complete without Oates, Beans, and Rice

The Bakers, the Cooks, the Schills and Magills —

All through the nation we’re going to send thrills

Necessary, Factors:  Sweet, Dawn, Bright, Reyes, Deys

Kew, Pugh, Driers, Meyers — help show us the way

Show us the Weges, point out the Rhodes

That lead us all up to celestial abodes

Orsattis, Ticciatis, Preston, Weston, Teston

Walls, Halls, Kellers, Wellers — all get our rest in

Wolfs, Woolfs, Fox, Cox, Crowes, Seagull, Eagleson, Bird

Heron, Seal, Gibbons, Katz, Buck — the whole herd

May, Mays, and Mason — amazing but true

What Sidhas transcending together can do

Franzens and French; York, Towns, Clevelands, Romes

Coming together to fill Golden Domes

Heaven have Mercier, we’ve got to have Hart

To finish what all those from Amherst helped start

Heroes like Rubins, saints Smith and Jones

Enlivening knowers as well as the knowns

Bales and Cotton and Summer and Ranes

Keep Cumming, keep Smilek, with Sugarman, Cains

Lester and Moore; Most, Round, Neate, and Good

Let’s all super radiate all that we should

We’re counting on Earls and MacQueens and our King

To help show what miracles April can bring

On MIU, Capital, students, and staff

Relieve the world’s worry, enliven its laugh

TSR, CIC, dear CCP,


UIG, SCI, DAC, too

(We’ll get the whole alphabet before we are through)

Whether you come from Moline or Mauritius

We’re cooking up knowledge that’s mighty delicious

New Zealand or Norway, Malaysia or Ghana

Our passports have each been stamped with Nirvana

Let’s join together, 2,500 strong

And prove that Lee Gobble’s been right all along

Let’s RSVP to the bliss that invites us

And all realize the Self that unites us

Purusha, you’ve helped us in so many ways

We implore you, please hold on for thirty more days

When the photo is framed and the brass plaque is mounted

Let us have each of us pictured and counted

All that we ask is a 30-day trial

At 30 days’ end, there’s a guaranteed smile

If anyone’s still not pleased with results

Please find Triguna and give him your pulse

So lend friends a hand, and extend them an arm

Set your sights high, and set your alarm

Nature supports you, and so do the kids

So when the sun rises, pop open your lids

Get to bed early, so not to sleep late

A small price to pay to secure the earth’s fate

Back on the program if we’re a bit off it

Let’s do it for fun, let’s do it for profit

Let’s do it foremost for our dear and great Master

Whose only desire is that we grow faster

Let’s all create that slippery ground

For even more knowledge, still more profound

Is there a greater mission than this?

April showers of Soma bring May flowers of bliss

Let’s all fulfill the world’s deepest dream:

Flow, Substance M, in an exhilarating stream*

All for one, one for all, all this is That:

It’s Heaven on Earth in thirty days flat.

* This line is a play on the line from the Ninth Mandala of Rik Veda, “Flow, Soma, in an exhilarating stream,” a line that everyone in the audience was intimately familiar with. Scientists studying changes in subjects’ blood chemistry during Transcendental Meditation practice discovered an unknown compound they named Substance M. They hoped Substance M would turn out to be the mysterious compound known as Soma in the Vedic literature. Maharishi explains that Soma is produced when one reaches Cosmic Consciousness, as the most refined byproduct of digestion, and that it supports growth of further higher states of consciousness. Substance M turned out to be a “serotonin metabolite” — which, though not Soma, is still a good thing. It indicates that the body is manufacturing more serotonin, the biochemical associated with rest and repair, health and well being.