Michael May

Place bio text here.



The Adventures of Mighty Moss

His intials, M.M., were well planned
Just think, and you’ll soon understand

This big M & M
Is an MIU gem —

He melts in the heart, not the hand

He’s the Master of Transcripts, you see
So mighty a master is he

We suggest a new name—
It ought to gain fame —

“Mr. Transcripts” — for short, “Mr. T”**

It’s not off by too many miles —
Just look what he did with those files:

He made the room wider,
And bigger, and brighter —

When asked how he did it, he smiles

All of our cows moo for May
What are they trying to say?

He’s the cream of the crop
The tip of the top

We wish him the happiest day

Moss is our man of the hour
May Moss grow in wisdom and power

And may Mr. May
Grow brighter each day

May Moss ever flourish and flower

*Moss Fires Away
Moves Files Around
Maps Floor Arrangements
Models Finest Attire
Manages Formidable Archives
Mighty Fine Artist
Movies Fascinate, Also
Many Famous Attributes
More Fun Allthetime
Makes Future Attractive

** “Mr. T” is the name of the American actor and retired professional wrestler, known for known for his distinctive African warrior hairstyle, gold jewelry, and tough-guy persona.