Maharishi School’s Jewels

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Maharishi School’s Jewels

Maharishi School faculty. . . .

As fine a group as time will see

They educate the coming age

Each is himself, herself a sage

Who are these people? Let’s review,

And single out a random few. . . .

Laura Bordow — our dear Miss Laura

Parents and kids alike adora.

The wisdom of so many years

In Mrs. Matkin’s class appears

With dear Miss Julie, children Blum

Happiness reigns in Miss Janie’s room

Miss Janice, Miss Peggy, the rest of the troop —

Our pre-schoolers are a most fortunate group

It’s highest in First, with Roxie Teague

She’s in a by-herself-type league

It’s do re mi fa so la ti

In singing class with Jenny Lee
Ellen is the students’ friend

She leaves them Keener by the end

So radiant is Kathy Siemsen

She opens doors and sunlight beams in

The fifth grade students, all in all —

They really, Truly have a Ball

A Boone in the classroom, a Boone in the Hall —

A Boone for the world is Rena, in all.

The Lower School can do no better

Than guided by that great Kate Vetter

To Peter we are most beholden

With Orange before us, the future’s golden

Moving from the Lower to Middle,

The success we see can be no riddle.

There’s Donna Seibert — the best in the biz

SCI is what she is.

No light shine’s brighter than Morehead, Paul’s

It penetrates these very walls

Can anyone remain a sorehead

When life evolves toward more and Morehead?

In English class, Cynthia Cornell

Will teach them writing really good.

What we see we become. With Janet Sommer

Her students see and then become her.

Our Library’s a “Media Center”

And Carol de Giere bids students enter.

With Elizabeth Spanton 7 through 9

Our finest feeling’s feeling fine.

Ellen Craig imparts Français

The parlez- vous and s’il vous plaît
Paula Fairchild’s in for fame —

This lady has the perfect name

Then, of course, there’s Alan Colby

Enlightening students shall his role be.

A stunning ace is Lawrence Eyre

Coaching students ever higher.

He’s well matched with Eyre, Laurie

Mathematics is her glory.

Great Greg Thatcher teaches art

And captures wholeness in each part

New this year is Doc Kent Boyum

The chemistry’s good — the kids enjoy him

In English, it’s been Rod Magoon

The students’ hero August through June

When Genevieve helps run this place

The students reach a state of Grace

With Kevin Colgan 10th through 12th

The Self curves back upon itself

Dennis and Robin — our two great Rowes

Their greatness through the children flows

They’ve led this school from here inside

And now they take it worldwide

And now they’re joined by Ashley Deans

He shows what dynamism means

Earlier teachers, from before,

Who paved the way for more and more —

The work they did goes on and on,

So glorious to look upon

And all the teachers on their way —

We’ll love to work with them some day

With every lesson plan you make

With each attendance that you take

With every board that you erase

With every chair you put in place

With every meeting you attend

With every grade report you send

With every shoelace that you tie

With every answer to every “why?”

Every time you close your eyes

And feel pure knowledge thus arise

You help establish, more and more

This school that you came here for

You make this school ever stronger,

Extend its power farther, longer

And somehow, doing that for this

We multiply the world’s bliss

The universe’s constitution

Guides the world’s evolution

We’re learning with our students, too —

We gain much more than students do

Lives of great men and women — hey,

They’re lived in this building day by day

Pure knowledge — and you know it well

Each day it’s that you show and tell

Maharishi shines in each of you

And thus your every course is true

This school takes root in fairest fields

And now we see the fruit it yields

You’re the gardeners of that tree

On the hill of history

We see what children can become

Vasudhaiva kutumbakam

The bliss you nurture deep inside

Is multiplied and magnified

And soon, with every child’s birth

They’ll find the world Heaven on Earth