Janean Wiegert

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Mrs. Wiegert

She’s a gifted one — one who can teach
How deeply does her teaching reach?

Right from the start
She reached to his heart,

Down to the source of his speech

They kept running score of his “ee-yesses”
She helped him to sharpen his “s’s”

She flattened his “a’s”
And offered him praise —

He beamed as she cheered his successes

She also would help him with reading:
He’d read aloud — oftentimes speeding.

After each clause
She’d help him to pause —

She’d patiently watch him succeeding

At the end of each session he’d see
A lollipop . . . then two . . . and then three

Praise was accorded —
Soren was rewarded

Sweetly but sugarlessly

Each session was focused and fun
Thirty minutes — how much she got done!

With compassion and care
And focus and flair —

How deeply she cared for our son

Summer 1997