Lloyd Pflueger

I first met Lloyd Pflueger in Switzerland, in 1977. Maharishi had just brought out the TM-Sidhi program, and we were on the same 3-month course to learn it — in the beautiful Alpine village of Wilderswil. We quickly become good friends.

He was born in Alaska but moved to California as a teenager.

Three months after the end of that course, we both found ourselves at MUM.

This was  the beginning of the 1977 academic year. People were needed to teach the two-week Writing Core Course. There was a syllabus but no faculty.. Lloyd and I volunteered. It proved to be great fun.

When the course ended, we set about improving it. Dr. Susie Levin Dillbeck, then the dean of the graduate school, gave us a wonderful new responsibility: create a writing-across-the-curriculum program for our first-year Core Course program. In every one- or two-week course, students would write and revise (based on feedback) an essay about the main theme of the course.

It was a terrific program. Some students professed to dislike it (because it was rigorous and demanding) but ended up appreciating it (because they saw it improving their writing).

For the next five or six years Lloyd and I worked out of a windowless office in the library basement. We became known as the Write Brothers.

Lloyd went off to the University of California at Santa Barbara to earn a master’s and doctorate in religious studies. Today he is a professor of philosophy and religion at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri, where he has been since 1993. Prior to that he taught at taught at the University of Wisconsin, California Polytechnic State University, and California State University-Long Beach. He specializes in South Asian religion, classical yoga philosophy, Indian philosophy, and classical Sanskrit.

Back to beautiful Alpine Wilderwil in early 1977: His birthday occurred during that course, and  as a  birthday gift I bought him a tube of Weleda toothpaste. Because he also spoke some German, I wrote this accompanying note in German for his amusement. (Apologies to all native German speakers for any mistakes. Ich entschuldige mich bei allen deutschen Muttersprachlern für etwaige Fehler.)


The Deity is Sole — Zahncreme.
The Rishi is Craig Pearson.
The Meter is Iambic Quatrameter.

Liebes Llöydchen, tolles Bübchen,

Ich schenk’ Dir ’was in einem Tübchen.

Ich fragte mich, “Was wunsch’ ich mir?”

Genau das schenk’ ich heute Dir.

Zum essen nicht, doch fur den Mund:

Es hält den ganzen Mund Gesund.

Der allerbeste Stoff auf Erden —

Zweifellos, es dient dem Werden.

Mit Kenntnis wie die Ayur-Weda

Liefert Zahncreme die Weleda.

Regelmässig musst Du sein,

dann ist das Mündchen glänzend rein.

(Ich bitte, dass Du Zeugnis zeigen —

sonst muss ich Dir die Ohre feigen¡º

Mit Sicherheit dann darfst Due lachen,

ohne Furcht vor feurigen Drachen.

Dann ist Dein’ Wahrheit immer süss,

süss Dein Grüezi, süss Dein Tschüss.

Wie man liebt Dein tolles Gähnchen—

umso mehr mit reinen Zähnchen!

Besonders nach den Schokoladen

musst Du Dir das Mündchen baden.

Nach dem ersten Mal — mal schauen!

Dämonen sind ja abgehauen!

Mit dem zweiten Mündchen-Baden

sind ja Engel eingeladen!

Duften wie ein Bluenbund,

Erluchtung strahlt von Deinem Mund.

Nichts darf Mund jetzt überdecken —

nun recht göttlich ist das Schmecken!

Lob und Liebe, all’ fur Dich,

mit jededem Zahn ein Licht an sich.

(Eines darfst Du nichet vermeiden:

die Zähnchen musst Du immer seiden!)

Aus der Milch, da kommt die Sahne,

sowie aus Dir, die feinste Prana.

Gebrannt sind alle Karma-Samen:

Atmen, sicherlich ist Brahman!

Liebes Lloydchen, mein Herr Pfüger:

sag’ mir, gibt es jemand klüger?

Jetzt, zum Schlüss, mein lieber Lloyd:

ich hoffe, dass Du hast enjoyed!

Fröhlichen Geburtstag!

25. 2. 77

Dear little Lloyd, great little boy,
I’m giving you something in a little tube.
I asked myself, “What would I want?”
That’s exactly what I give you today.
Not for eating, but for the mouth:
It keeps the whole mouth healthy.
The best ingredients on earth —
Without a doubt, it promotes evolution.
With knowledge as from AyurVeda
Weleda delivers toothpaste.

You have to be regular,
then the mouth is brilliantly pure.
(I ask that you to provide evidence —
otherwise I’ll have to cuff your ears
Certainly Due may laugh,
without fear of fiery dragons.
Then your ‘truth is always sweet,
sweet your greetings, sweet your Bye.
How To Love Your Great Yawning
even more with pure teeth!
Especially after the chocolates
you have to bathe your mouth.
After the first time – let’s see!
Demons have run away!
With the second mouth-bathing
are angels invited!
Smell like a flower bunch,
Excitement radiates from your mouth.
Nothing is allowed to cover mouth now –
it is quite divine to taste!
Praise and love, all for you,
with every tooth a light in itself.
(One thing you must not avoid:
You always have to wear the teeth!)
From the milk, there comes the cream,
as well as you, the finest prana.
Burned are all karma seeds:
Breathe, surely Brahman!
Dear Lloydchen, my lord Pfüger:
tell me, is there anyone smarter?
Now, to the key, my dear Lloyd:
I hope you enjoyed it!