Elaine Guthrie

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.



Canada’s loss is our gain
Allow me, my friends, to explain —

The feeling that’s stirred
Can be summed in one word:

That one single word is . . . Elaine

She’s one of those fabulous few
For whom just the first name will do

Just say it: Elaine . . .
The picture is plain —

Instantly people know who

A swimmer early in life —
She still cuts the pool like a knife

Freestyle or fly
Like a hawk through the sky —

Greg Guthrie, this is your wife

She brings that Olympian spirit
To her work — we see it, we hear it

The drive and desire
To fly ever higher —

She can inspire — and we cheer it

Truly, Elaine has elan
Whenever you see her, she’s on

Blissful and bright
Radiating light —

And bound to grow brighter anon

She’s possessed of a powerful brain
A fact that’s abundantly plain

The clear explanation
Is brain integration —

She’s brainwave coherent Elaine

What heart and compassion abide in her
The students comfortably confide in her

In Computer Professionals
She’s Computer Confessionals —

She’s the Mother of Compro — we take pride in her

She’s part of a team there, of course
But trace its success to its source

You’ll quickly find out
Without any doubt

She’s Compro’s invincible force

She’s an engine at the head of our train
Huge achievement — no evident strain

People keep talkin’
Of the Marvel of McLaughlin

Stop gawkin’ — it’s only Elaine

We’re happy your hand’s on the rein
Better we’ll never obtain

Grow our enrollment
You’re our heart and our soulment

Our source, course, and goalment . . . Elaine

She’ll suggest, but she’ll never complain
Questions? She’ll clearly explain

A shaker and mover,
This saint from Vancouver —

Who outmaneuvers Elaine?

For Elaine, it’s far more than a job there
You see, she’s married to the mob there

The mob we call Greg
Our Golden-Domed egg —

At work as at home, there’s her throb there

Elaine loves to work her elawn
Sundays she’ll rise with the dawn

She’ll prune and she’ll pare
And she’ll proudly declare

To all forms of disorder: Begone!

We lean toward, we lean on Elaine
For there’s such a bright sheen on Elaine

A bliss that attracts
And fulfills to the max —

That’s why we’re so keen on Elaine

With Elaine we all long to align
Then this fable will finish just fine

For Elaine is aligned
With the pure, cosmic mind —

The undelvably deep and divine

We’ll leave sleeping elephants where they’ve lain
We’ll just say again and again:

Of all our Canadians
She’s pure super radiance

Twice-a-day in the Dome — that’s Elaine

So poets, write glowing refrains
Farmers, sow bright golden grains

If you’re looking to choose
Some great golden hues,

Here is the news — choose Elaine’s

Soon I will end this prolixity
We wish her great focus and fixity

Great frolic and fun
In the ocean and sun

Now as she celebrates . . . sixity

Enjoy your garden, vacations
As you help to give peace to all nations

Our windsurfer and skier,
Our Canadian seer —

Fulfill all your great expectations

There’s nothing you do not contain
No worlds that you do not sustain

Lively vigorously, vitally,
Magically, mightily —

Elaine Guthrie, long may you reign!

I hope that these words entertain . . .
When they’re finished, what will remain?

Our heart-overflowing
Eternally growing

All-knowing love for Elaine

Live long on this sweet earthly plane
There’s no height you will not attain

Live long and enlightened —
Our world’s been brightened —

Illumined by lovely Elaine

November 12, 2013