Brian Shore

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


Here’s to the true Life of Brian
Successful? This fellow is flyin’

This giant of a gent
Lives two hundred percent —

Whatever he’s sellin’ . . . we’re buyin’

The firm that he leads is called Park
And for anyone still in the dark:

This company makes stuff
Cool outer space stuff—

And Brian’s the fire and spark

* * * * *

Park was co-founded by Dad —
An engineer and proud Navy grad

That would be Jerry —
Talented? Very!

Hard working as well, we might add

Jerry — all focus, no fuss
Perseverance a powerful plus

He began his beguine
With that sign that he’d seen –

Thank goodness he stepped off that bus!*

Jerry launched Park with great vim —
Making nameplates and decorative trim

From humble beginnings
He sculpted great winnings —

His employees so thankful to him

From the start, Park prized innovation —
Creativity formed its foundation

Challenges embraced
Solutions showcased —

Year by year Park would win acclamation

* * * * *

Now Park’s at the top of its sectors —
In resin chemistries, radomes, reflectors

Cyanite esters
Circuit board testers

Communications and network connectors

Park’s Alpha and Sigma Struts rule
“Significant weight savings” — cool!

Light weight, reliable
Strength undeniable —

It’s the aerospace load-bearers’ jewel

NL9000’s a sensation
With its automotive radar application

A boon for all drivers
More driver survivors —

With its extremely low loss dissipation

OEMs (whatever they are)
Buy Park’s Prepregs, near and far

Bob’s the talk of the town
Driving around

With Park Alpha Struts on his car!

Manufacturers, make your deposits
For woven-glass/ceramic composites

Park’s at the peak
Of co-curing technique —

People, come out of your closets!

Looking for gifts? Here you’ll find them
See the people in line? Get behind them!

You’ll warm your wives’ hearts
With Park’s prepregs and parts

In the elegant styles Park’s designed them

Holiday shoppers, take note:
Park’s gifts will float everyone’s boat

Aeroglide epoxy
Will make you feel foxy

And their autoclaves win everyone’s vote

Park has a registry for newlyweds
Lovely gifts for really-and-truly-weds

Park’s thermal insulations
And heat shield creations

Keep them from becoming unruly-weds

They’ll enjoy hours of escape
With Park’s unidirectional tape

And they’re sure to be lovin’
The dual-zone curing oven —

Even staid couples go ape

Young couples will feel they’re in heaven
With epoxy N4000-7

High dimensional stability
High thermal reliability —

Newlyweds’ engines are revvin’

* * * * *

Jerry built Park to endure
Where quality was always secure —
Employees respected

Dignity protected —

Core principles always kept pure

Brian’s built on this principled past
Ensuring a firm that will last

He’s ever progressing
Inspiring, impressing —

With core principles held ever fast

The road Brian takes: always high
Ethical, honest, this guy

A man of ability,
Integrity, humility

Paves Park’s high road through the sky

Park’s plants are all over the place
Yet Brian meets folks face to face

He’s not the type
For meetings by Skype —

So he pilots himself base to base

A new telescope’s heading for space
Park Sigma Struts are aboard in that place

The scope’s name: the James Webb
That NASA celeb —

Cosmic eyes for the whole human race

* * * * *

Barbara’s the one who inspires —
The “Yoga Princess” he dearly admires

Her refinement of touch
She accomplishes much —

Every detail their travel requires

Barbara is sweet, and so kind
Deep, sattvic heart and bright mind

More than a cutie,
She radiates beauty —

For Brian, a fabulous find

Barbara’s the Dean of Design
There’s nothing she cannot refine:

A traveling plan . . .
A meal. . . a man —

She can make anything shine

Barbara excels at her art,
Her design projects set her apart,

Her photos are striking,
They inspire our liking —

Her talents sit well off the chart

She photographs flying contraptions,
Alaskans and their rugged adaptions

Brian’s the word guy,
The got-to-be-heard guy —

The Captain Courageous of Captions

She takes the photos — he flies
(What is it with girls and guys?)

Brian’s romancer
Is an artist, a dancer,

A fitness buff, knowing and wise

She designed a Park factory, no less
Fine design to reduce worker stress

Her tasteful aesthetic
Is more than cosmetic —

Employees walk in and say . . . “YES”

As a couple, they’re lovely to see
“Two B’s in a pod,” he and she

And it’s special delight
To see them in flight

For then they’re called “Air B&B”

They’re truly a couple in flight
When they enter a room, it grows bright

And whenever they’re here
They’re a source of good cheer —

All of us feel Shore delight

* * * * *

Their holiday bash is a beaut
The guest list is always a hoot

Harvey and Larry
Are there making merry —

And that giant galoot in a suit2

Bonnie’s there, Bob’s brother Ed . . .
Barb’s planned it out well ahead . . .

Their dog, singing “SHOUT”
As it dances about —

And everyone’s very well fed2

* * * * *

His N620BB streaks the sky!
Brian knows two ways to fly:

Cessna 525
And the deep inward dive . . .

Outward or in, he sails high

In Fairfield, he drives to the Dome
To meetings in that cavern of foam

His favorite escapes
Are Maharishi’s old tapes —

That’s where he’s truly at home

Brian Shore loves Vedic chants —
Hearing nature’s own melodies dance

Pandits reciting?
Now that is exciting . . .

They even enlighten our plants!

He reads from his Gita each night
Imbibing its wisdom and light

He’s sensing, he’s seeing
The sea of pure being —

The future of Brian is bright

He transcends all confusion, commotion
He transcends every movement and motion

With his inward direction
To that place of perfection —

The boundless, Brian Shore-less ocean

Here, there is nothing amiss
Here, there is nothing but This

Prepregs are fulfilled
Where the mind becomes stilled –

Where it’s preimpregnated with bliss

* * * * *

Mom’s like rock — sweet Cecile
Love and support he can feel
He’s glad that his Dad
Had spotted that ad
And discovered a love that was real

* * * * *

Some folks go south for vacation
Not Brian . . . his destination

Is the icy cold north —
Each year he jets forth

To Alaska — and pure exultation

Brian defines the word chill
The Arctic instills him with thrill

If it’s freezing – it’s fine
If it’s frozen – divine

If it’s frigid, it’s sure to fulfill

Alaska! God’s northern nirvana
For Brian, bright snow is like manna

A true Hyperborean
North’s valedictorian

A glacier’s his Copacabana

Alaska is Brian’s second home
Deadhorse, and Sitka, and Nome

Prudhoe Bay, Barrow —
He’s thrilled to the marrow . . .

All over Alaska he’ll roam

He’s swum in the chill Bering Sea. . .
He likes it as cold as can be

Even Dutch Harbor
Is Brian’s sweet arbor —

Way north he feels easy and free

North is his homing direction
Alaska his lifelong affection

It’s desolate, brutal —
Talk him out of it? Futile

Perhaps it’s some past-life connection

One November saw 40 below —
Near Barrow, with fierce, driving snow

His camera gear? Frozen
But Brian the Chosen

Was warmed by his bright inner glow

Those small arctic airstrips are scary —
Landing a jet’s pretty hairy

But Brian’s a pro —
He goes with the flow —

Are you safe and secure with him? Very

Brian’s the guide ‘round the pole —
To pilots with a northerly goal

From Norway . . . to Nome
To Greenland . . . and home

He guides them there, healthy and whole

Near Barrow a mail plane went down
Disappeared in the sea — never found

A Japanese aviatrix
Passed through the matrix

Her mother aboard . . . homeward bound3

Each year the Shores visit the place
Where the two disappeared with no trace

The “Aviatrix Memorial”
A moving pictorial . . .

They honor with silence and grace

* * * * *

When ordering things from a store
There’s simply no either or or —

In the “Instructions for shipping”
Brian loves quipping:

He always writes: Just “SHIP TO SHORE”

* * * * *

His chief asset is nature support
He’s got natural law in his court

His secret to thriving
Is twice-daily diving

His strategy — capture the fort

Brian has all the right stuff —
Nature support off the cuff

He floats a desire —
It rises up higher

When Nature says, “Brian, Shore enough!”

For him, laws of nature are rooting —
Party time, honking and hooting —

He’ll hatch an idea
And then – Mama Mia!

Nature says, “Brian, Shore as shooting!”

As together a man as we’ve met —
With Brian, the path is all set

He takes a direction
And makes the connection

When Nature says, “Brian, Shore bet!”

Brian is Lord of the Ring —
What organizing power he’ll bring

His ideas take flight
And become truly bright

When nature says, “Brian, Shore thing!”

Look at the goals that he’s scored!
The points he’s put up on the board!

With his nature support
On rink, field, or court

Victory’s always en-Shored

He’s over the line for a score!
Eluding defenders galore!

Championship captured —
The crowd is enraptured:

“Brian Shore! Brian Shore! BRIAN SHORE!”

The fans are all cheering for more —
Massive crowd, on their feet in a roar

From the stands it rejoices —
In unison, their voices —

“Brian Shore! Brian Shore! BRIAN SHORE!”

* * * * *

Yes, Brian, in truth, is the best
All who know Brian feel blessed

One last verse, brothers,
To Shore up the others . . .

And then we will give this a rest:

Who knows what your future holds store
As life brings you more and still more —

Whatever you do
We’re wishing for you

Waves of bliss ever washing a-Shore

2. This would be Bob Kennedy.
3. This refers to an accident that took place in 2003.