Mary Zeilbeck

Mary has been a dear friend of mine — and many others — since the late 1970s. I asked her for some bio information, and this is what she sent me:

I discovered Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and learned the TM technique in the 1970s. I have been privileged to serve him from day one of meditating all those years ago. I’ve traveled the US and the world, made spectacular friends, and have grown spiritually beyond my dreams. I have stayed close to my family, and as I’ve grown and so have they. I’ve worn several hats — teacher, writer, editor, business owner. I’ve been a TM teacher in my beloved Michigan as well as in Rhode Island, California, New Mexico, Washington DC, and Iowa. I’ve been a CIC coordinator, a member of a “Vedic Atom” team, and a participant in the Mother Divine program, I have two masters degrees from MUM. I’m out of breath.

Mary currently works in the International Admissions Office.


Minimal zag

And minimal zig

Her friends will all tell you

Her heart is too big

Mountains of zaniness

Minefields of zest

Her friends will all tell you

That Mary’s the best

Mirth at its zenith

Motherly zeal

Her friends will all tell you

That Mary’s ideal

Mincing zucchinis

Or mending a zipper

Her friends will all tell you

She’s dependably chipper

A Macintosh zealot

With masterful zip

Her friends will all tell you

That Mary’s a trip

Made from a zygote

A manual zapper

Her friends will all tell you

That fortune will tap her

Millions of zlotys

Must zero-in —

Her friends will all tell you

How great is her grin

Meditates zealously

Marmas all zing

Her friends will all tell you

She’s doing her thing

Munching on zwieback

McPhees by the zillions

Her friends will all tell you

Of Mary’s great brilliance

Magnificent zodiac

Meriting “Zounds!”

Her friends will all tell you

How Mary astounds

Melliferous zephyr

Moves through our zone

Her friends will all tell you

She’s the finest they’ve known

Meritorious zervice —

Munificence zooms

Her friends will all tell you

How brightly she blooms

June 9, 2009


Her secret I’ll finally relate:
It’s the truth, and I’m telling it straight —

Her mysterious past
Is revealed at last:

(Pssst. . . Michigan is Mary’s home state)

You don’t know the meaning of “live”
Till you feel what Mary can give

And the best of her gifts
Is the way she uplifts:

Mary’s appreciative

Summer, fall, winter, and spring
With Mary, you feel like a king

Her words may inform us
But her heart — it can warm us

That’s the gift Mary can bring

Her heart is a heat like the sun
In warmth it is second to none

What can you do
When she shines it on you?

You glow as she melts two to one

With celebration and fulfillment her aim
She’s achieving the most brilliant fame

Is a party required?
Mary’s inspired

Making merry’s making Mary a name

Reversal of aging, somehow,
Can reverse even furrow in brow

Mary knows without doubt
If she furrows, she’s out

Friends, take a look at her now

Mary’s especially cheery
(Not bleary, dreary, leary, or eerie) —

She’s hopeful and high,
Extra light in her eye,

Whenever she’s writing a query

Nothing can trip her or throw her
Let alone stop her or slow her

Even rejection
Upon close inspection

Offers new knowledge to show her

Students love seeing her “Notes” —
When a student appears there, he floats

It’s always the case
That there’s light on your face

When you’re one on whom Mary Z. dotes

A birthday is always a new day
A time-to-take-a-fresh-view day

It’s fitting, therefore,
As she goes for one more

That her birthday should fall on Review day


What stirs Mary’s deep veneration?
Arouses profound adoration?

Deep feelings will flow
And her heart starts to glow

Just thinking of . . . documentation

She majors in making things clear
And the clearest of clear around here

Is her heart’s warming light,
All-enclosing and bright,

Lighting up more every year

This professional writing exceller
Is living with Rick and Sue Weller

It’s made her so glad,
The success that she’s had

Moving all the way up . . . to their celler

A spectacular celler it is —
Her home and the site of her biz

The heart-warming place
Of Mary Z. Grace

(Though Soren considers it his)

If give is the basis of get
There’s one thing we mustn’t forget

All those who know her —
We owe her and owe her —

We’re hopelessly deep in her debt

In the light of her giving we bask
It just flows — it’s never a task

May Nature deliver
To this great-hearted giver

The fulfillment of all she could ask

Her gifts are divine intervention:
And her meals of course deserve mention,

And presents in store,
And favors galore —

But the dearest is Mary’s attention

Mary’s the ultimate friend
She offers support without end

She appreciates deeply,
Truthfully, sweetly —

What greater gift can one send?

She’s witty, she’s wise, and she’s warm
Both in and out of the dorm

Do we love her? Yes — very
Our Governor, Mary:

May her name be forever our form

June 9, 2014