Jane Trevelyan

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


We know a great lady named Jane
Her glories are all very plain

She’s warm, and she’s wise,
She has beautiful eyes
She’s thoughtful, she’s gracious,
She’s most efficacious

And she has an incredible brain

We honor this great Lady Jane
Her virtues are a joy to explain

She’s collected, she’s calm
She’s a wonderful mom
She’s courteous, caring,
She’s royal of bearing

Wherever she goes, people gain

She moves with no evident strain
Influencing ever wider terrain

She has depth, she has reach,
She can tour, she can teach
There’s nothing she lacks
Neither forehands nor backs

What a treasure, our dear Lady Jane

She served in the physics campaign
Then DOF (Old Campus terrain)*

And now . . . Registrar —
She shines like a star
She’s highly esteemed
She’s more than we dreamed

Then again . . . she’s the great Lady Jane

With England her ancestral domain
A California girl in the main

She serves on committees
She practices Sidhis
She manages files
She listens and smiles

While she lives amid fields of grain

Our jewel she’ll always remain
A great, golden link in the chain

She’s noble, she’s noted
She’s deeply devoted
My friends, mark this hour —
An engine of power

Has moved to the head of the train

As if through a crystal clear pane
Pure Being shines through Lady Jane

It’s happy, it’s bright
With splendiferous light
She gives it a flavor
That we love to savor

Pure and sweet as the juice of the cane

There’s nothing she will not obtain
No boundaries will ever constrain

No one is quicker
With badge or with sticker
She’s a proofer, a writer
Who grows ever brighter

There’s one and just one Lady Jane

As she rises, heads turn and necks crane
Light breaks through darkness and rain

She’s luminous, clear,
Ever ready of ear
She’s prized, she’s admired,
She’s widely desired

She’s simply the great Lady Jane

Sleeping elephants — lie where you’ve lain
Do not stir — we will not complain

Our collective desire
Is: Jane should soar higher
Her serve is a strong one
Her service, a long one

She’s rare among rare, Lady Jane

This we wish for the great Lady Jane:

May she live in a royal demesne

Nothing will stop her
In a Vastu that’s proper
May she flower and flourish
And continue to nourish

And, especially, long may she reign

May 25, 1995, 1998

And now here she goes — San Diego
To the state where all colors are Day-Glo

We ask, on the eve
Of watching her leave:

Why would she so far away go?

One reason is rather specific:
To be near the ocean — terrific

Well, we have one too
And though it’s not blue

It’s unbounded, and pretty pacific

What kind of work would she do?
She’s applied for a job at the zoo

The zoo? Well, my word —
That’s rather absurd —

We have quite a good one here too

She tells us, with poise and aplomb,
That she wants to be close to her Mom

And Narayana and Katie —
Well, it’s a rare lady

Whose children all think she’s the bomb

May she carry our torch and our flame
May she garner some fortune and fame

And may she quickly return
From this sudden sojourn —

For email’s just not the same

August 7, 2001

* DOF = Dean of Faculty – Jane was the assistant to Dean of Faculty John Greco, and when I took over that position, Jane became my assistant.