Doug Birx

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


Pure Being — we know where it lurks:
Deep within, with its infinite perks

And today we are seeing
That ray of pure Being

Known to us as Dr. Doug Birx

You are cordial, considerate, kind
In your speech, you are highly refined,

With such cultivation
And fine integration

Of fullness of both heart and mind

Maharishi assigned you a task —
Quite likely, not something you’d ask . . .

With Linda, your wife
A task for a life —

And in his pure knowledge you’d bask

The task? To transform life on earth
To restore every soul’s right of birth

A task so ambitious,
Propitious, auspicious —

A task beyond value or worth

He gave you techniques of great power
To bring total potential to flower

Your task: go and teach
As wide as you can reach —

And make the best use of each hour

That was four decades ago
And looking back, how could you know

The journeys you’d take
The friendships you’d make

And how they — and you — would both grow

The courses that you have conducted!
The thousands that you have instructed!

The hearts that you’ve warmed
The lives you’ve transformed

The destinies you’ve reconstructed

The countless first hops you have blessed
Endless questions that you have addressed

The miles you’ve driven
Consultations you’ve given

The pure knowledge that you have expressed

In the morning experience reports
From folks who’ve been capturing forts

You offer perspective
Profound and reflective

And brilliant as diamonds or quartz

May both you and Linda be feted
For the Sidhas that you have created

Twenty-five thousand and counting —
The number keeps mounting

With thousands more keenly awaited

Twenty-five thousand birds of a feather . . .
If just a third of them practiced together

Wars would be ended
Conflicts suspended —

The world would be transformed forever

Enlightenment, invincibility —
To confer these, Doug has the ability . . .

By Maharishi selected,
Directed, perfected,

Doug moves with such grace and gentility

We treasure the gifts that you’ve brought us
The beautiful knowledge you’ve taught us

The example you give
Of a life that’s well lived —

To say it quite simply: You’ve caught us

Doug Birx has made his appearance
In this world for creating coherence —

In soul after soul
In the world as a whole —

With one-pointedness and perseverance

There’s a glimpse of the future we’ve caught —
A world rising to be as it ought

This world of bright bliss
Already exists

In Dr. Doug Birx’s soft thought

Doug Birx provides us a surety
A supremely important security —

With Doug we are sure
That the teaching’s kept pure —

That it’s always maintained in its purity

As we gain Mother Nature’s alliance
And nature support grows in compliance

We’ll see thousands more —
New Sidhas galore

From these two TM-Sidhi course giants

May your CIC talks fill palladiums
May your CIC courses fill stadiums

Foam by the acres
For these Sidha king makers —

And when that happens, what do you say to them?

You say to them: Birxes, well done!
In your service you’re second to none

The justice you’ve rendered
To the knowledge you were tendered —

Earth basks in the light of the sun

And Doug, keep on flowing with verse —
As Pure Being in words you disperse

And the music you’re playing —
Keep on displaying

Your talents, so rich and diverse

Mother Nature, please make a note:
May Doug Birx be the first one to float —

The first, we declare,
To sit in the air —

We’ll ride on the tails of his coat

So give him a great global hug
And maybe his name on a mug

By nature he’s favored
He’s pure Being flavored

Through the personage of dear Dr. Doug

We know where pure consciousness lurks
We know where it lives and it works

It’s shining quite brightly —
Brightly and rightly —

In the form of dear Dr. Doug Birx

December 23, 2016

These techniques allow you to stir
Pure Being

Techniques that can lift you up higher
Techniques through which you can acquire
Nature’s support

For fulfillment of every desire

The countless first hops he has prompted
The questions to which he’s responded
The numberless questions he’s answered
The meetings he’s held