Bob Roth

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


In Berkeley, another Bobby inspired him —
The path into politics fired him —

But fate interceded
And Bobby Roth heeded —

A much higher calling required him. . . .

Now Bobby’s a master of media
The tricks? He’s an en-cy-clo-pedia

He reels them in
Win after win

Bobby! What more can he be to ya?

For one thing, he’s highly gregarious
He’s under-five-seconds hilarious

He’ll work any crowd
Till they’re laughing out loud —

His bliss can just lift us and carry us

Hollywood stars? He can play ’em —
David Lynch, Laura Dern, Heather Graham —

They’re at his command,
In the palm of his hand —

And remarkably, Bob doesn’t pay ’em

He’s superfluid — no hitches
Media runs whatever he pitches

Releases go out
And then, without doubt,

Bobby starts harvesting riches

We say to him, “Bob, you’re inspired”
His reply? The media’s unmired —

The writers of yore
Were hard-boiled to the core —

Now those guys all have retired

The new ones who’ve stepped to the plate:
Vegetarians, yoga — it’s great

They come, they’re wide open —
For years we’ve been hopin’ —

And now it all seems worth the wait

Through the tickets, the airports, the flights
The phone calls, the pre-event nights

His simple expressions
Make lasting impressions —

Bobby’s our light among lights

Each month now, some tour de force
Almost seems matter of course

The man’s in the zone,
In a league of his own —

He’s clearly at one with the Force

He’ll pitch every game, every inning
And just keeps on winning and winning

Where others grow tired
Bobby’s inspired

Come midnight he really starts grinning

Bobby’s a writer as well
A wizard at writing to sell

His leads and his hooks
Are gems for the books —

And watch out, ’cause Bobby can spell

From brochures to books — Bob’s a hitter
Conferences, concerts — go git ’er

And now there’s a pause
As a deep breath he draws . . .

And dives into Facebook and Twitter

Bobby’s our kin and our kith
So fun and so fine to be with

A-Rod, Tiger Wood —
In Bob’s field, he’s that good

He’s become a practical myth

Who counts all the runs that he’s scoring?
All the three-pointers he’s pouring?

The work may be hard
But give him regard —

With Bobby, it never is boring

He’s constantly in full-court-press mode
Always expecting-success mode —

This prince of the press release
This expert on stress release

With his very own trend-setting dress code

Bobby, your hour’s at hand
It’s happening just as you planned

So bring it on in
Your World Series win —

You and your marvelous band

Even now he is planning some scheme
For his David Lynch media team

His next big event?
Heaven’s descent —

Connecting us all by live stream

He’s our game-winning three-pointer swish
He’s our walking upon-a-star wish

Beyond any doubt
We’ve truly lucked out —

In Bobby we’ve caught the big fish

He’s the spinner, the spinning, the spin
He’s the winner, the winning, the win

See how it’s done?
He’s three and he’s one —

The grinner, the grinning, the grin

He’s an ocean, with divine golden froth
He’s cut from a fine olden cloth

He’s this, that, and more —
He’s the dude we adore —
A treasure, a pleasure
A mensch by all measure —

He’s Bobby — the great Bobby Roth

We think of him — hearts go all throbby
Hanging with him is our hobby

A genius he is
The best in the biz

Our own super radiant Bobby

Bobby! Our quotable quote
Bobby! Our reason to vote

It comes down to this:
His bubbling bliss —

The thing on which all of us dote

He’s pure knowledge, twenty-four seven
His loony one-liners the leaven

If heaven’s descending
He hastens what’s pending —

He’s lifting us all up to heaven

So Bob — polish off that release
Score that next media piece —

May Maharishi’s great name
Gain worldwide fame

And may this world grow quickly to peace

November 12, 2009

Happy birthday, Bobby!
Your fan,
October 10, 2003

Bobby’s our great impresario
With assistance, sometimes, from Mario

Young people say, as a rule
Bobby, though old, is still cool
It’s obvious from the beginning

The Natural Law Party
Grew hale and hearty
research study – known worldwide
teacher of the celebrities
He’ll give you the coat off his back

He’s the priest who can talk to the young