Barbara McLaughlin

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


Her handle is Barb, and she’s wired
She stands here before us, inspired

Limber and light
Brimming and bright —

She never appears to be tired

She balances protein and carb
She regales in glorious garb

We’re talking, of course,
Of that Fairfield force,

That energy source we call Barb

She guides our salutes to the sun
Eyes watchful on every last one

“Shin perpendicular!” —
Barb is particular —

We do as they’re meant to be done

We come in assorted conditions
She takes us through Yoga positions

From the bridge to the tree
We’re stretched as can be

She kindles our fitness ambitions

She’ll stand up in front, there before us
We’ll adore her, and she will adore us

She gets us all moving,
Our bodies improving —

We are her choir and chorus

She takes us through warm-ups and preps
Then up and down, up and down steps

The tubes then get fetched
And stretched, stretched, and stretched —

We lose track of the number of reps

Watch her now, ready and willin’
Moving in time to Bob Dylan

In tank tops and tights
We soar to such heights

Fitness is downright fulfilling

She’s flying now, nothing beneath her
She sails on the songs of Aretha

Kickboxing and kegels
Melt our cream cheese and bagels —

Now we all pause for a breather

She’s getting our bodies in tone
Building up muscles and bone

Building our biceps
Toning our triceps

And zooming along in the Zone

Pumping pure bliss through our bodies
She’s powered us up to Pilates

Making each gluteous
Breathtakingly beauteous —

We’re living and breathing Samadhi

She’s Fairfield’s Pharaoh of Fit
Keeping buff, she is doing her bit

Heavy perspiring?
With Barb it’s inspiring

Barb McLaughlin is totally IT

There’s more of her story to tell . . .
She’s a pure knowledge teacher as well

She can whisper infinity
Divulge your divinity —

Where else does this lady excel?

One man calls her “My Girl” — that’s Ted
The former “Books” financial head

He hired her to train
Then asked to remain —

And shortly thereafter they wed

Say Barb and you have to say Ted
They go heart to heart, head to head

A classic, this couple
Subtle and supple —

Their fame is quite rightly widespread

Barb doesn’t live by the letter
She lives — and she’s a go-getter

One word leaves no doubt
What I’m talking about:

Chocolate — the more cocoa the better

Barb is a fountain of youth
She speaks sweetly, but always the truth

She’s highly refined
In her heart and her mind

She’s never unkind or uncouth

Barb McLaughlin is not only pretty
She’s warm, also wise, also witty

People feel drawn to her
To the beauty and brawn in her —

She possesses the friendliness sidhi

With Barb, the bliss comes in bubbles,
Dissolving your trials and troubles

Her friends are agreeing:
Their sense of well being

In the presence of Barb — it just doubles

One of the best of her gifts
Is that she upholds and uplifts

Her presence is nourishing,
Leaving you flourishing,

Healed of all fissures and rifts

She’s an artist (she doesn’t look back)
Painting elephants reveals her knack

A lady of talents,
Of beauty and balance,

She’s poised on the peak of the pack

So praises to Barbara McLaughlin
Ring bells from the Falklands to Aukland

From her head to her toes
She grins and she glows —

Truly she’s walklin’ her talklin’

May your praises be playfully sung
In places nearby and far flung

Sleek, svelte, and sporty
No older than forty —

May you forever be young

There’s nowhere a lady like you, Barb
May bliss flow in all that you do, Barb

Divine inner light
By day and by night —

With never a day that you rue, Barb

To Barb we have offered our abs
In hopes she’ll transform them to slabs

Of rippling strength,
The full width and the length —

Weekly we’re each keeping tabs

To Barb we have offered our thighs
Sometimes with audible sighs

We see — we are sure
That with workouts with her

They evolve to the right shape and size

To Barb we have offered our hearts
All cardiovascular parts

As we work and we witness
Our fabulous fitness —

Barb’s number one on our charts

Happy Birthday, Barb!

October 25, 2003, expanded 2005 and 2017