Bevan Morris

One of the great gifts of my life was the opportunity to work so closely for so many years with Dr. Bevan Morris. He gave so much to me personally, and I saw first-hand how much he gave to others.

For more than 54 years he has worked as a teacher and administrator in Maharishi’s worldwide Transcendental Meditation organization. He served as President of MIU for 36 years and is now President Emeritus as well as International President of Maharishi Universities of Management.

He met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for the first time in Sydney, in Australia, in December 1967, and by whom he was instructed in Transcendental Meditation. A year later traveled to Rishikesh, in India, to join the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course with Maharishi.

He has traveled the world on Maharishi’s behalf, presenting Maharishi’s programs in more than 120 countries, to leaders in government, education, business leaders, as well as giving presentations to the general public. Between 2009 and 2017 alone, he visited 90 countries.

Since 2005, he has served as the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace — the organization Maharishi founded in 2000 to establish global world peace through the Vedic Technologies of Consciousness, unifying all nations in happiness, prosperity, invincibility, and perfect health.

He has a marvelous sense of humor and an incredible memory. I remember traveling with him and several other faculty members to another city. We returned to the Cedar Rapids airport at night, and I was driving the van back to Fairfield. Partly to entertain us, partly also, I suspect, to help keep me awake, he feted us by singing early Bob Dylan songs. It seemed he knew every verse — and Dylan’s songs have a lot of verses. He could have easily filled that trip singing show tunes — he seems to know all the famous ones. History, sports, countless passages from the Vedic literature in Sanskrit and in their English translations, all the details of all of the pivotal events he has been part of with Maharishi — his mind is like a perfect recording instrument.

One could — and someone should — write a book about him and all his achievements, but here I would like to single out the legendary Taste of Utopia Assembly, held during the last two weeks of 1983 and the first week of 1984.


Consider, please, all that he is:
Few possess gifts such as his

Our Movement is vast
With a world-class cast

But Bevan’s the best in the biz

Quite simply, this man is a sage
Helping bring in this new age

You can tell where he fits
By the place where he sits —

At Maharishi’s right hand, on the stage

His intellect’s known for its fleetness
His knowledge is known for completeness

And in all that he speaks —
You could listen for weeks —

Each single word is a sweetness

He gives such inspiring speeches
Each silence, each syllable teaches

His golden orations
Will uplift the nations —

Which one is our favorite? Each is.

With honors he deserves to be draped
For this organization he’s shaped

So dear to his heart . . .
And should he depart

Be sure that each Celtic game’s taped

He travels this world for us
By train, boat, plane, taxi, and bus

On your mark, get set
He’s back in the jet set
Hurry! Look quick! It’s
The Titan of Tickets
The King of the Concourse
One-pointedly on course —

His travels we count as a plus

In one sense, we wish that he’d stay
But we know, when he travels away

He can speak to the great —
To august heads of state —

And impress them with all he will say

Have you noticed how far he can throw?
How far his odd football will go?

Want self-referral?
Just watch him hurl

His boomerang — Bevan’s a pro

Ask him (he’ll really start glowing)
How his Unified Field Chart is going

Look and you’ll see
How one becomes three:

Thrower, thrown, process of throwing

Bevan is rare among billions
Australians, Americans, Brazilians

A magnificent man
With a world to plan

And all of the requisite brilliance

What makes him so hugely appealing?
In whatever aspect he’s dealing?

It’s his marvelous mind,
So highly refined —

And his finest level of feeling

And now he’s our Minister Prime
He’s exactly the need of the time

So purely aligned
To Maharishi’s own mind

In a life that is truly sublime

Sattwa alone wins affection —
And he wins it from every direction

Thus we conclude
With all gratitude:

Bevan comes close to perfection

If knowledge is a tree, he’s a forest
If knowledge is flowers, he’s a florist

The source of our pride —
Long may he preside!
Our brilliant crown jewel —
Long may he rule!

For heaven on earth
And for Bevan — his birth —

All praises to President Morris


Place a chorus
Here before us
Anthems sing
For Bevan Morris

Vanilla Thunder
From Down Under
Our dear globe-trotting
World wonder

He travels wide
Great things betide
And twice each day
He goes inside

Hour by hour
For years such power
And now the world’s
About to flower

We rise through seven
States to Heaven
Guide us there
Beloved Bevan

He knows how
To lead us now
Expand our group
To seven thou

He never tires
Just inspires
A daunting task
Is all he requires

We watch in awe
As natural law
Through Bevan transforms
The world we saw

The world we’ll see
We’d all agree
Is radiant
And heavenly

This beautiful world
Long has twirled
He’ll rest when it
Is self-referraled

His intellect
So sharp, direct
There’s nothing that
It can’t dissect

His boundless heart
The source of art
Compassion flows
To every part

His sparkling wit
No match for it
Creates delight
We all admit

Through his speeches
Bevan reaches
Every mind
And heart — and teaches

Make a date
All heads of state
To meet with him —
You’ll see he’s great

May populations
From all nations
Have the blessing
Of his orations

May brilliant fame
And world acclaim
Now surround
His precious name

We will see
That such as he
Will be revered
By history

From Bevan’s birth
To Heaven on Earth —
We’ve received
Our money’s worth [or: A lifetime’s worth]

And now a word
From Larry Bird!
Have an All-Star
March the Third!

And soon — this year
A global cheer
As Heaven on Earth
Comes ever near


In our heavenly future, reviewing their history,

People will see that its source was no mystery

Maharishi’s great knowledge reversed global trends —

It’s due to his knowledge that Heaven descends.

At Maharishi’s right hand they will see one so great

He was honored by every nation and state

He was president of Maharishi’s own university

But he guided the world — unified its diversity

His leadership was brilliant, his efforts untiring,

His genius fantastic, his words so inspiring

MUM became an international center

Those who sought Heaven went there to enter

Heaven on Earth, with its all-divine bounty

Was first to be found in Jefferson County.

MUM had a great mission to keep

He flawlessly guided it leap after leap

What fortune, to have such a leader as this

Embodying Maharishi’s great knowledge and bliss

He knew all the staff, and he knew every function

Between three and one, he served as the junction

His attention was everywhere — there was nothing he missed

Whomever he talked to felt blessed — also blissed

A true master of ceremony, gracious and gifted,

In seconds he could have thousands uplifted.

He toured the world, and wherever he spoke

Deep inside people, something awoke

His words were Maharishi’s — simple, profound

In each word he spoke, the source could be found

Always he spoke to the need of the hour

And his speech became known for its fabulous power

Millions would thank him, from the depth of their soul,

For showing so clearly the path to the goal.

No one set such an example as he

Of what dedication and service could be.

In whatever he did, in whatever he thought,

It was always Maharishi’s goals that he sought

The inevitable outcome, as time ran its course:

His intellect gained an incredible force

Whatever the challenge, the problem or plight,

His mind penetrated and filled it with light

His heart gained compassion and bliss so expanded

That the world’s great leaders with ease he commanded.

With such an example, such heart and mind both,

His staff felt a continuous surge in their growth

Ever firmer resolve, more profound dedication —

Gain enlightenment quickly and enlighten the nation

Bring peace to the world and heaven to all —

This is the example of Bevan withal