Event – Full Moon, Heavenly Mountain

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Full Moon, Heavenly Mountain

In Blue Ridge Mountains, overlooking Boone
The oldest mountains in the world, they say
We gather and watch the rising, radiant moon
And Heaven on Earth descending day by day

Among us here is Dr. Vernon Katz,
The scholar of the Veda we revere
He teaches us that all of this is that
America is blessed that Vernon’s here

Dr. Eike Hartmann has a task:
To reconstruct the world . . . we say, at least:
There’s not a grander project one could ask:
Than building all earth’s buildings facing east

A modern Sthapati, master of his art —
So many buildings Eike’s helped design
Toward perfect Vastu— the world has made a start
As individuals connect with the divine

Michael and Susie Dillbeck — human jewels
Their mission: to enlighten education
To bring Maharishi’s teaching to all schools
To enlighten every child in every nation

Also here is Dr. Carolyn King
A scientist, teacher, Governor all the while
What joy and grace this southerner can bring
So bright of eyes and face, so quick of smile

And MOU — these couples are amazing
Transplanted here from Holland (three days — please!)
What bright frontiers these folks have all been blazing
And now they’re TV personalities!

The Rowes, the Irwins, the Konhauses, the Bells
The Sands, the Crowells, the international teams
What they’ve achieved! What tales they have to tell!
And downward from the skies pure knowledge beams

They’re jacks and jills of every TV trade
They write the scripts, they make graphic slates
They’re the producers of every lesson played
They’re the talent — truly they’re the greats

Walid, the genius of technologies,
He’s set up all the gear to meet the goal
With blissful, watchful eyes he oversees
As day by night by day the play-outs roll

Twenty-four hours a day pure knowledge streams
Up from here to satellites in space
And down again from satellites it beams
And homes worldwide are blessed with Maharishi’s grace

In Blue Ridge Mountains, overlooking Boone
A golden flute comes out, a chance to play
Paul Potter offers us a soothing tune
And manages the treasury by day

Jefferson and Jane do everything
They’re always everywhere — and never miss
What organizing power these two bring
With Jefferson ever achin’ in his bliss

These mountains have two wolves, and both quite tame
People call them Don and Elinor
It’s hard to see the form within their name
But both of them do everything and more

They shop, they chop, they cook, and then they clean
Radiating friendliness throughout
They keep things running like a fine machine
A machine with tenderest heart, without a doubt

Presiding over everything is Bevan
Maharishi’s master manager and more
As we enjoy descent to earth of heaven
It’s Bevan’s organizing power at the fore

His steady hand, warm heart, and brilliant mind
Guide us day by day and year by year
With Maharishi he is perfectly aligned —
How fortunate we are to have him here

Each morning after program Bevan dresses
Then proceeds to videotape his shows
And such a beautiful knowledge he expresses
And all around the world this knowledge goes

He sits before the camera, minus script
He speaks with such great clarity and force
He’s never at a loss, he’s never slipped —
His intellect’s connected to the source

Chris Crowell sits upstairs, his fingers fly
He scans computer graphics for the show
And then, with superfluid hand and eye,
As Bevan’s speaking, in the graphics go

Chris and Ann are Bevan’s right-hand couple
With Bevan round the world they’ve flown
As faculty for MOU they double —
As powerful a pair as we have known

Year by year this saintly group has strived,
Their unity of purpose so profound
And such great satisfaction they’ve derived —
Such a great fulfillment they have found

It’s service to the master on display
That’s the thing — it’s not so much the tasks
Day, and night, and day, and night, and day
They attune to him by doing what he asks

As Maharishi’s blessings wrap the world
Knowledge blossoms as a bright bouquet
We assemble and, remaining self-referral,
We witness wholeness in eternal play

In Blue Ridge Mountains, overlooking Boone
The oldest mountains in the world, they say
We gather and we watch the rising moon
And Heaven on Earth descending day by day

May 19, 2000

The first Full Moon Celebration at Heavenly Mountain

On the porch of Bevan’s house, as future Raja Paul Potter played his bamboo flute, watching an orange-saturated full moon rise up over that mountains in the east and illuminate the clear sky, casting moonlight down upon the residences of Mother Divine.