Tom Egenes

When you think of Tom Egenes, you think of Sanskrit.

Tom has sold more books on learning Sanskrit to English speakers than anyone else in the world. His two textbooks, Introduction to Sanskrit 1 and Introduction to Sanskrit 2 are best sellers in their category, if you can imagine, used at many universities in the US, Europe, and Japan.

His Sanskrit classes have been enduring sources of joy for students year after year since 1985, when he first started teaching at MUM.

Before that, he spent three years teaching at Maharishi School, where he developed a Sanskrit curriculum and teaching materials for kindergarten through 12th grade.

Working with the great Dr. Vernon Katz, Tom produced The Upanishads: A New Translation. With Dr. Kumada Reddy he gave us All Love Flows to the Self: Eternal Stories from the Upanishads.

When you think of Tom, you also think of Linda Egenes, freelance writer, teacher, and long-time friend extraordinaire.

Tom has been a stalwart professor, colleague, friend, and source of happiness to countless people at MUM for more than three decades.

The letters of the name TOM EGENES
can be rearranged to spell GENOME SET.
The letters of THOMAS EGENES
rearrange to spell HE’S A GEMSTONE.

Accurate on both counts.

Tom Egenes

It’s easy to praise our Tom Egenes
Nobody needs to come beggin’ us

He knows how to charm us
To delight and disarm us —

He’s got us well pegged — and keeps peggin’ us

“Come and learn Sanskrit,” he’ll beckon us. . . .
The Vedic expressions he’ll deck on us!

His methods of teaching
Are profoundly far reaching —

A masterful teacher, Tom Egenes

Who’s a great President? Reagan is.
Who’s a great scientist? Fagan is.

This is to state
That equally great

Is our tall, light, and handsome Tom Egenes

He’s orderly — not “scrambled Egenes”
His clarity leaves nothing vague in us

Curving back, every curl,
On itself — self-referral!

He’s evolving so fast, he’s out-leggin’ us

(Who perpetrates this on Tom Egenes?
These capital rhymes that keep plaguin’ us?

When verse comes to versed
Last becomes first —

He confesses to all — it’s the Craig in us)

Consider the distance he’s taken us
His activity serves to awaken us

With MacLinda, his wife
He enlightens our life —

Three-in-one cheers for Tom Egenes