Susan Chroman

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Six Verses for Susan

Seven days into November –
That’s twenty-three days from December –

It’s Susan’s sweet day
And we safely can say

It’s a day that the world will remember.

Talk about speaking – she’s great.
It’s clearly a Zimmerman trait.

She stands and addresses us —
Her clearness impresses us —

Let’s give her more chance to orate.

Her father advised, with propriety:
“Be a contributor to society!”

His three kids? A sailor,
A surfer, a skater —

Did he foresee notoriety?

The advice that he gave them was bold,
And looking back, lo and behold:

They’ve given up dates
With boats, boards, and skates,

And their gift to the world is pure gold.

Our future has now been rewritten –
With her sweetness the world has been smitten.

But more than all this —
More than pure bliss —

She’s given the world Brooke and Britten.

Unhappiness soon is to cease
She’s given the world lasting peace.

The world rejoices
With five billion voices:

May her glory forever increase.

November 7