Stuart Zimmerman

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He’s a father, a son, a Trustee
And very much more, as we see:

A friend and a leader,
None sharper or sweeter –

All praise to our dear Stuart Z.

His sweet spot is larger than most (1)
Who else could make this great boast:

Eight thousand and more
Show up at the door

And Stuart is there as their host (2)

Let’s look where our logic has led:
His sweet spot is large, as I’ve said

He plays like a prince (3)
And that’s notable, since

He doesn’t have an oversized head

The heart of his game is his service
Stuart is able to curve us

Back to the field
Where pure knowledge is revealed. . .

He’s done something great to deserve us

With that Taste of Utopia splash
We sent through the world a bright flash

Stuart’s role was historic
The result was euphoric. . .

Talk about an overhead smash

His vision for life is enormous
That vision will surely transform us

His vision delights us,
Invites and excites us,

And his heart is a force that can warm us

The man is a model of speech
How deeply his simple words reach

Simply profound
Are the words he’ll expound

And even his silences teach

“Deserve, then desire,” they say –
Stuart puts on a display:

With broad comprehension
His merest intention

All nature is called to obey

Means tend to gather around purity
His sattwa has reached full maturity

Exactly who gave him?
We’ll pick him and save him — (4)

Our future is clearly a surety

Through Stuart, our load has been lightened
Our consciousness collectively heightened

There’s no confusion
About the conclusion:

The man is quite clearly enlightened

The ball’s in his court – it’s his play
He’s having a very good day

Forehand or back
He’s got the knack
At baseline or net
He’s got it, no sweat –

Stuart will put it away.


(1) Stuart enjoys playing tennis, a motif that continues through this tribute.

(2) Refers to the leadership role Stuart played in the historic Taste of Utopia Assembly, the three-week gathering at the end of 1983 and beginning of 1984 that brought some 8,000 people together from more than 40 countries around the world, to practice the TM and TM-Sidhi programs as a group. The target was 7,000, the square root of 1% of the world’s population (4.9 billion) at the time. The group created a world-wide wave of positivity and harmony and improved quality of life.

(3) Prince is the name of a tennis racket manufacturer.

(4) His father, William Zimmerman, founded the Pic ’n’ Save Corporation.