Shelley Gratzon

Place bio text here.


Laudations to Shelley Levin!*
We’d praise her — but where to begin?

She’s as good as they get
An innocent vet

She’s with us — and we’re gonna win

She’s strong and she’s stable and sweet
Providing balance whenever we meet

A great harmonizer —
We’re proud, and we prize her

Shelley — she’s pretty darn neat

She lives and she breathes celebration
Yes, Shell’s Number One in the nation

She’s hale and hearty
And ready to party

On practically any occasion**

Her philosophy’s clearly been stated:
Let togetherness be celebrated

With poise and with prudence
She mingles with students

Even when films are X-rated

Shelley’s a great organizer
And nothing is going to surprise her

Put something past her?
Forget it — she’s faster

Though clearly not older, she’s wiser

With Shelley, there are no constraints
She’s one of our resident saints

With a wave of her hand
Nature’s at her command

She’s an artist — and not just with paints***

Though she’s clearly ahead in the voting
One other point is worth noting:

In Shelley’s great glance
The sidhis will dance:

She looks at your kids — and they’re floating****

Our fine Philadelphia Filly
She’s sweet — and delightfully silly

Her mind and her heart
Are refined as her art —

If you’re looking for gems, here’s a dilly

With a brain that’s as bright as a bell
A soul that’s as deep as a well —

A well where we wish
All fullness and bliss

And a Big Happy Birthday to Shell

* Shelley’s maiden name.

** In the mid-1980s, at the time I was dean of students, Shelley was director of student activities.

*** Shelley is a very talented painter.

**** Shelley drew sketches of various kids in floating position.