Ruth Seagull

Place bio text here.


We know a great teacher named Ruth
Great teacher — and that is the truth

She inspires, she cheers
With the wisdom of years

And the springs of perennial youth

She moved to this Iowa town
She’d barely arrived, settled down

When, though retired,
She felt inspired

And came to this school of renown

“Is there something you need me to do?
Some kids who need help? If so, who?”

To a class she was guided
And waiting inside it

A certain boy came into view

What did she see in this boy?
His brightness? His sweetness? His joy?

Also, indeed,
She noticed his need

And the methods she’d need to employ

She went for him, he for her
Heart went to heart, pure to pure

A friendship was formed —
Both sides were warmed —

And her guidance was certain and sure

She’s worked with the greatest of skill,
Dedication, devotion, and will,

And what she has done
With our precious, dear son —

We’re grateful, and more grateful still

Below, the sea roils and roars
Mighty waves crash up on shores

But high up above
On wings of pure love

There’s a seagull who floats and who soars

March 11, 1996