Ron Openshaw

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Governer Openshaw

Is he adept with a copin’ saw?
No matter — he fills us with hope & awe

You know who I mean:
Our CEIP Dean,

That rock-cracking Governor Openshaw

Without him we’d say only “Nope” and “Naw”
All we could do would be grope and claw

With Ron, we say “Yes!”
Our key to success

That rock-breaking Governor Openshaw

Ron is no cowboy — no rope and straw
He’s highly refined — what scope and law

His plates? High-tectonic
His speed? Ultrasonic

That rock-fracturing Governor Openshaw

His speech is the sweetest — no mope and “pshaw”
He keeps his kids clean — he’s a soapin’ Pa

The program? He’s on,
Our radiant Ron

That rock-shattering Governor Openshaw

He’s perfect — neither hidden nor open flaw
But please, don’t just stand there with open jaw —

Give him your praise:
It’s the first of his days

Our rock-melting Governor Openshaw